
Megan Laura Denmark

Ask @MeganFarah

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sorry, what i meant to say was. The elevator is over powered. it needs to be adgjusted please. Ok. Thanks. <----- sneaky

What?? Your confusing me...://

If you could bring one character to life from your favorite movie, who would it be?

I dunno, cant think of anyone

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Oh i see. Playin hard are we?!

Well you know the saying, go hard or go home phaha jokes
And i dont play hard, wtf u on about. Im done talking to you. BYEE
go play with the traffic, see if i care...

Who do you 'dislike' then?x

Why would i tell you...and i don't need to say names they already should know that i 'dislike' them without me having to say.

well it is a website to ask questions?

No shit Sherlock...
And i liked two comments on Daisy's wall and neither of them were about Lucy, now Byeeee

i don't go to your school i dont even know her i just saw you liked a comment on daisys thing about her and didnt know if you didnt like her?

What comment on Daisy's wall, i never liked a comment.
And if you don't go to our school, stop being so nosey and don't bother asking

What is the most serious problem in the world?

Your face...i mean, DO YOU OWN A MIRROR.
Ya know, things like that, we really don't need to see...
Ew. Just ew

dunnoXD our halloween family hAHA

We should make a family for all occasions!! Ya know, like Christmas and easter :')
Thats sound really weird^^^^^^^^^^...Oh well, ya get what i mean Mimi-moo;)


Language: English