
Megan Laura Denmark

Ask @MeganFarah

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What is the best way to deal with stress?

Chill in your bedroom and listen to music.
Ya know, Little bit of JB ;)<3<3

How old are you? Where do you come from? What school do you go to? I want to know and i want to know now!!

Erm...Right...bit forward :')
Im 13
come from Brentwood essex. unfortunately... ://
and i go to st.martins school (y)

What do u REALLY wanna do before you die?x

I wanna swim with dolphins,sharks& a whale, not all at the same time ://
I wanna sky-dive
I wanna meet Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande
And wanna move to Australia and then travel the world(y)
But i mean, like thats ever gunnu happen xx

If you could be anyone in the world. Who would you be and why?

Ariana Grande.<3
She so gorgeous, really nice, smart, dating Jai Brooks<3
and she just seems to be heading in the right direction(y)
But yet again i would like to be Selena Gomez.
Only because shes gorgeous and dating JUSTIN BIEBER<3<3<3<3<3

If you could go back in time and undo anything, what would you do?

Id undo the things i mainly regret happening to me...The arguments i have with friends - go back and make sure they never took place. Talking to certain people - make sure i never talked to them in the first place. My education - go back and actually concentrate in class so i get a better level&grade.
So yeh, there the main things i really would like to start over, and undo. There are many more, but if i carry on, we'll be here all day ://

What movie inspires you?

Never say never, and many more...
Every movie has a different story
A different story means a different inspiration
But thats just my opinion(y)


Language: English