
Asking The Black Veiled ;3

Ask @Meghanabel

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Why did you batter India Latham?

This was ages ago...I didn't batter her? We had a fight in school because I was a cheeky bitch to her for no reason xD ...but we are kinda okay now c:
Now leave :/

Favourite song?

Asking Alexandria - if you can't ride two horses at once then get out of the circus :')

You know me very well and you've got me on fb,inbox me,I'm a boy,live in cov,went to ernsford nursery;)

Haha just tell me your name? ;3

I'll tell him that at football Saturday ;)x

I'm sure he already knows that he's perfect but tell him if ya want?! who even is this? Come off anon pwease;))


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