

Frozen was good!

Let It Go has almost the same backing track as Firework by Katy Perry and the sheer effort that went into those lyrics nearly killed me.
The princesses were dull, stereotypical white girls.
Not a single moment of the film held my attention or was in any way memorable
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Latest answers from sickplanets

if you had the opportunity to receive a cute figurine of your favorite fictional character to decorate your home, who would you choose?

what time do you usually wake up in the morning? what time do you go to bed? do you believe you get a decent amount of sleep per night?

Honestly I just go to bed whenever, my sleep pattern is complete trash but mostly I get up around midday. I tend to be more productive late at night tbh

What have you eaten today?

Some instant noodles and like 3 pieces of garlic bread, I haven't been eating properly for months so yeah

what is your opinion on texting and driving? should it be legal or illegal? justify your answer.

If you're messing around with your phone then your full attention isn't on the road and if you mess up and hurt or even kill someone it is completely avoidable and your fault like god damn I love been on my phone but I sure as hell can wait till i've finished driving or I can pull over to reply to a damn text

Do you think porn is a good or bad thing?

I think porn does have a lot of problems and generally a negative influence on people who watch a lot of it and do so when they’re young; I think they develop a very contrived, unrealistic, warped and very narrow view of sex.
I watch porn very rarely. like I just don’t find it authentic or realistic or sexy at all because the majority of it is like, the dude lightly touches the womans vag with the tip of his dick and immediately she’s just like UNNNNNNNGODDDD FUCK YEAH OH MY GOD HOLY SHIT FACK YAH FACK YAHHHH BABY (squirts entire oceans worth all over the walls and orgasms 50 times simultaneously) and I’m sitting there fucking horrified like wtf because I dont know whether this guy has the dick of the lord himself or his touch is physically hurting her IT SCARES ME. NOBODY MAKES THOSE NOISES??? no dick is that bomb and no woman reacts that way? it’s just self-indulgent male fantasy; porn is just absolutely driven by hetero male fantasy so it exists to please and empower them so the sex in most porn is unrealistic and provides a one-sided and very narrow view of sex.
and you can very easily tell when your sexual partners haved watched too much porn because the whole thing feels fucking atrocious; they are clearly performing and it is an instant boner killer for me because they’re not feeling the moment, they are treating sex like they have to perform instead of going by instinct and feeling out their partners needs; they aren’t losing themselves in the moment okay I am like the goddamn fucking black swan ballet instructor when I talk about this shit I’m just like (whispers frenchily) LOSE YOURSELF
like I’ve had dudes use very obvious porn-inspired moves like slapping the vag with their hand LIKE?? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? DONT SLAP IT?? HAS IT OFFENDED YOU IN SOME WAY? THIS AINT WHACK-A-VAG DUDE YOU WONT WIN A PRIZE. and the only other place I’ve seen that type of nonsensical shit happen is in porn, I have never heard another woman mention that or say she’s into it.
so basically my main problem with porn (besides the portrayal of women in it because lbr most porn is made for heterosexual dudes) is that people end up believing it’s how sex has to or should be done, they forget that porn is acting, its a performance - so they end up mimicking performance sex instead of just going by their instincts and working with their partner which makes the sex feel so artificial and disconnected - and they also end up feeling inadequate or judging themselves or their partner harshly when the sex doesn’t live up to these flashy porno standards.
I think porn is fine if you’re older and you want to watch some crazy shit go down or just want to change things up; but I really wish porn wasn’t watched by younger people with little prior sexual experience who end up using porn to inform most of their view on sex and how it should be.

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Zac Efron or Dwayne Johnson?

Oh man my uni sent me two emails about like introducing myself to fellow students on twitter and i'm creasing because my twitter is dedicated to basically writing smut about Jimin from BTS

music taste?

The 1975
Death Grips
Monsta X
Alice Glass
Brand New
Hey Violet
Lil Peep
Post Malone
The xx
Jay Park
Bring Me The Horizon
Swim Deep
Pale Waves
Dua Lipa

What are your plans for the rest of the week? do you have anything interesting coming up?

sophielouise961’s Profile PhotoQahnaarin
Guy I like is staying over tomorrow, my brother is 22 on Friday and i'm 21 on Tuesday and uni starts again soon so that's about it

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