

Ask @Millierawrz

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I bet been in the snk fandom is stressful

You have no idea...
Everything is fine then it gets to the start of a new month and the panic sets in and because nobody knows exactly when a chapter is going to drop everyone on Tumblr is in a panic crying over leaks and thinking the worst of everything and then the chapter is usually ok and everyone is fine for another month
Tbh Tokyo Ghoul is worse because you know no matter what it's going to rip your heart to shreds.
~honesty night~
Liked by: Matt Alice Jackson

What do you think is going to happen in the next snk chapter?

Besides Levi's past last chapter ended really happily and Isayama is literally Satan so i'm sure something is going to go down and someone will die
~honesty night~

If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Going to rewatch the Attack On Titan OVA and maybe rewatch the fight for Trost arc so yeah ask me cute as hell questions while I watch my babies
Liked by: Matt Laurz

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Favourite character development in anything?

Prince Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender kills me tbh
Like all he cares about is his father's acceptance in book 1 and by time he joins the Gaang he's the biggest nerd ever
Also if you understand the gif you'll know why it's my favourite scene from the show
~honesty night~

Why do you think Jean is in love with Marco when he has a crush on Mikasa?

Having a crush doesn't always equate to love.
Pretty much all the 104th had a crush on Krista but i'm confident none of them loved her aside from Ymir
I'm also 100% sure that is Mikasa had died instead of Marco, Jean wouldn't have joined the scout regiment because of it.
Also, at the point where he has a crush on her he's a hormonal 12 year old boy and I don't actually think he'd spoken to Marco at this point because it's the first day as cadets.
Like I think as the series goes on he cares about her but doesn't really love love her
I know someone implies that Eren's Mikasa's boyfriend and I can't remember if it was Jean that said it but like he comes off as been aware of Mikasa and Eren relationship so he wouldn't intrude
~honesty night~

What do you like about Jean?

Like he is the biggest asshole ever at first and then he's pulling crap like jumping off a horse and activating his 3DMG at the same time
and his leadership skills
he's drop dead gorgeous and his hair is life goals tbh
and the fact he's a complete dork when it comes to Mikasa
aaaaaaaaaaaaand you can't even tell me that he wasn't in love with Marco because he joined the survey corps for him even after he said it was literally suicide, Armin motivated him to attack the female titan by saying she was the one that killed Marco and headcanon that the reason Jean kisses his swords are because they were Marco's and it's all he's got left of him
~honesty night~

I'm a baby sitter, I relate. ah, alright, name your favorite book and why you like it

Uhmm probably The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
The book is about depression and I can really relate to a lot of what is mentioned in the book and it's just written in such a beautiful way
~honesty night~
Liked by: Laurz

*pats* sorry

Also, small children are pretty gross
They always have something sticky on their faces (I'm forced into looking after a 3 year old)
~honesty night~
Liked by: Dani Alice Jackson

have you considered *TV show voice* other means of transport?

Well considering I don't have the funds to get a car, there's nowhere to keep my bike near work, i'm terrified of taking a taxi by myself and walking would mean I have to get up earlier which isn't really great when I struggle to get enough sleep as it is, no not really
~honesty night~
Liked by: Laurz

*gasp* why

When you have to be on a bus to get to work early in the morning and there's screaming children you will understand why
~honesty night~
Liked by: Alice Jackson

what do you like most about levi ackerman

He's just so awkward and a total dork, like he makes poop jokes and he's in his thirties
He's humanity's strongest and like he's not some silly unrealistic macho man, he's literally tiny and he has a cleaning obsession
He's stabbed someone for touching him with a dirty hand
He took Isabel in and looked after her and let her call him "big bro" and he didn't need to do any of that
He hates dirt but he held a dying mans bloody hand to give him comfort
He kicked the crap out of Eren to save his life and he was worried he might have damaged Eren emotionally
His dialogue in the manga is ridiculous
He has the dorkiest smile ever
and he's adorable and beautiful and awh my precious baby
~honesty night~

has an attack on titan death made you cry

Marco's death really really upsets me but it's never made me cry
I cried when Levi had a breakdown over Isabel and Farlan's death but it was more to do with seeing my favourite character in that state than the deaths
~honesty night~

I only have like, 74 dollars RN tho. you're gonna have to wait.

You have more money than me at the moment aha
Liked by: Laurz


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