

Ask @Millierawrz

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But the series is on Netflix, they'd be mad not to put the movie up! Pls don't crush my dreams! ;-;

Yes but the movie doesn't really have anything to do with the series
Also it took Netflix forever to put the series up
Just saying, Netflix isn't the best service to use if you want foreign movies and anime
Liked by: sAra Sophie

if it doesn't end up on Netflix I will cry forever

I wouldn't rely on Netflix for things like this :) just a heads up

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I'm in England! not sure if it will be showing near me but given its hype and popularity in will cry if it's not shown!

I don't think it will be shown here tbh
Also the release date in Japan is August 1st so it'll be online not long after that

I will he fighting my way to the cinema to see it!

It sucks living in England because of the lack of foreign movies in cinemas
Like my friend Chris likes in America and he got to SEE THE LAST NARUTO MOVIE IN CINEMA AND I HATE HIM FOR IT but anyway...

this has actually made me extremely happy! <3

I really wish I could see it in a cinema though but I have to get buddies from tumblr to stream it to me when it comes out
Liked by: alex

wait...I was told it was coming out in 2018? I have been lied too!

It comes out in August I think (I may be thinking of the Boruto movie there tbh) but it's confirmed for this year
Liked by: alex

Imagine the entire 104th singing We Go Together

I'm the biggest dork ever ok and I want a Grease x Attack On Titan crossover
You bet Eren and Mikasa would sing You're The One That I Want
Liked by: Hadosh Alsham

Why must we wait do long for it to come out! need more senpai titans!

It comes out in a few months, it's not that bad
Liked by: alex

If you HAVE to choose either one of these two tops to become your daily uniform, which one would you choose? And why? http://i.imgur.com/8uqaoSf.jpg

I like the style of the gold one but the colour is horrendous tbh
Neither of them are really anything i'd pick to wear myself but the gold one looks like it'd suit me more than the green one

What are your favorite junk foods?

I practically live off them at college
Also, when I was slowly losing the will to live in class today I thought of something cute and amazing
Jean and Marco singing Summer Lovin' from Grease
like just replace Sandy and Danny with Jean and Marco and it'd be amazing
I might draw this
Probably going to draw this

there was this beautiful woman your friend i think that asked me out :) i told her i had to think about it she started crying so i said go screw yourself then i mean crying woman ??? ain't nobody got time for that was i right ???

Literally all my female* friends are amazing and are members of the Sailor Scouts and they fight evil by moonlight and win love by daylight and they wouldn't cry over something like that so go away buddy.
Liked by: anime queen

pap of you and your boyfriend?

Me and the bae
(Levi and Jean are on my bookshelf and I have the worst stomach cramps right now and i cba getting up)
Liked by: alex Ash Oates

Reminder: Punch that lass in the dick for me k?

I left college by the time you sent this hahaha
I got a Black Butler shirt today so i'm happy now
Liked by: Bread

What's your favorite day of the week?

Guys who try and hit on me by bringing up Attack On Titan are genuinely hilarious and they say the stupidest crap to try and get in my good books
"Attack On Titan is way better than Naruto"
"I think Mikasa is such a bitch" or some irrelevant crap about how great Levi is to try and impress me
"I seriously think Attack On Titan is better than anime like Fullmetal Alchemist and Naruto"
You say anything like this to me you know you've fucked up big time and as much as I love Attack On Titan I will actually fight anyone who even tries to compare it to Naruto or FMA


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