

Ask @Millierawrz

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What would animals say to us if they could talk?

I had a really bad panic attack today and I feel like shit so can people just send me photos of Jean and Marco cuddling or something

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who do you have a crush on most from Free!?

Rin Matsuoka???
nah what a jerk what a— [trips] [hundreds of thousands of photos of Rin spill out of jacket]
w-what a fucking asshole i these arent mine i'm just [gathering them up frantically sweating]
listen i just listen fuck [thousands of pictures of Rin scatter across the floor]
shit fuck i'm holding them for a friend just listen

you must approach the donkey and it will tell you to get on it and you will ride into the distance followed by a llama named carl

If you could make a fictional character from any media to life, who would it be and what would you do with them? (this is shit)

Cosmic Tramp
It'd be Levi from Attack On Titan
I'd actually clean my house with him, it'd make me happy
then we'd probably make out against a wall and stuff

What about people who can't afford or don't have time to read the manga, does that make them less of a fan than those who do read it? (Not saying you think that, just curious)

Tbh you're probably more than likely going to have time to read manga than you are for watching anime, I read manga on the bus to college, on my lunch break etc etc.
Also, there's website to read manga on. I don't use them unless I want to check something out or if I want to read something months before it's released in this country but that doesn't stop people using them as their source of manga.
Liked by: p

What do you think of people who read manga and think they are better than those who don't?

Tbh I agree to an extent with their reasoning about it.
Like a lot of people who do this say "if you were a fan of "name of anime" you'd read the manga too" because the manga is so much more in-depth than the anime and if you liked the anime so much you'd probably want something more.
I don't agree with basically bullying someone for not reading the manga tho, I mean manga is hella expensive if you're reading various series at once, I've spent a few hundred pounds just on Naruto.
I guess I agree with the reasoning but not the method.
Liked by: p

post a photo of your real boyfriend?

wow if you can't be bothered to scroll through my answers i'ma be as difficult as possible

ADHD is a serious disability, just because it's not physically showing like Down Syndrome or others like it, nor a physical disability like a loss of limb, since it most commonly includes being easily distracted, restlessness, constant fidgeting or overactivity and being impulsive (c)

...it can seriously effect on both people's lives with it and people's lives without it, anything could happen to people with ADHD, thus counts as a serious disability, anyone who says different clearly has never been with someone with it, or actually knows what ADHD is."
I'm 100% sure anon is one of those people who thinks people can just get over depression. If they really thought I was claiming benefits fraudulently I think they'd do more than insult me on a social network site. It's just something they think they can harass me about. Also thank you, it kinda hard to explain why ADHD is a problem sometimes and you summed it up

not really, disability benefits are for people with actual serious disabilities that prevent them from working - ADHD clearly isn't a serious disability and it doesn't affect your ability to work or go to college. The fact you think you're just entitled to them is selfish to the people who actually

Well fuck me I forgot that some person i've never met and only has what I post online as a representation of my life knows more about me than I do myself.

still claiming disability benefits even though you work and go to college greedy cow?

Yes because i'm entitled to them and i'm apprently pissing off some angsty teenager who probably does jackshit for themselves


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