

Ask @Millierawrz

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Post a picture of your shoes!

"It's not everyday you find a girl who'll flash someone to get you out of detention."
I love this film so much argh
Liked by: Ash Oates

Oh my word, thank you sO MUCH. I can't believe I've never seen this before! I recognize a lot of these recipes! Omg "the cake is a lie" BRILLIANT.

I've done both The Legend Of Zelda soup ones and they were so good aha

What's your favorite thing to cook? Can you pls link me to a good recipe of it? I'm trying to put together a lil cookbook of new things to try! (I do not eat meat except fish but I can usually find substitutes so don't worry about including meat.)

i've cooked a few things from here before :)
Liked by: alena

If you're in America, what is one thing that really annoys you about England? and if you are in England what really annoys you about America? If you are not from either, pick a country that annoys you and tell us why!

Advice Page
Every single time i've gone on holiday to the states i've been mistaken for being South African or Australian and it is surprisingly annoying
Liked by: Airi supa hot fire

What's your opinion on these "teens trying to conceive" accounts?

Advice Page
I have no problem with teen parents as long as they're doing a good job but I just don't think having a child should be a priority at that age and I don't think pages should be trying to encourage it.
Liked by: supa hot fire Airi

Exactly, it's like if you're still a virgin by the time you're 17, 18, 19 etc, you're somehow "frigid" and people look down on you, it's ridiculous. Everyone's different (sorry the last one was on anon, forgot to untick it).

It's why so many people are pressured into having sex at a young age because it's the social norm to do so. I think people should have sex when they're comfortable not when society tells them to.

Oh my god, she doesn't like sex, get over it. Not only is it rude to ask why, it's incredibly personal. Hell it's like going up to a complete stranger in the street and asking do they like having sex or not. Some people just have no boundaries.

but it's natural so I must have to like it -.-
I'm actually concerned about how narrow minded these people are.
Liked by: Ashleigh (:

If people can't grasp that some people think sex is gross they need to grow the heck up. Asexuals exist. Sex repulsed asexuals exist. Sex repulsed non asexuals exist. Not everyone has to like this big, sweaty, moaning rollercoaster that everyone else seems to love so much. It's not that hard. -.-

Perfect explantion tbh

>sex >gross

i'm off to college and if people are still finding my opinion on sex shocking you're getting blocked because it's a drain


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