

Ask @Millierawrz

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Do you play video games? If yes what's your fav one?

Yeah, I don't have like an overall favourite I don't think but I really like Fire Emblem Awakening, Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess and Rune Factory 4

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What do I say To a coworker who is also a friend that they over step and stop my work 85% of the time? Like they always take over or don't let me work

I used to have an issue with this. If they try and take over a job that you're doing you could suggest they start on a job that you know needs doing and if they and stop you just say you really need to do this and you can talk on a break or after work
Liked by: Alice Jackson Bethan

Hi today I have 2 questions for you. So 1st one : What do you like and what you don't like about your look/yourself?

I think I have quite nice eyes and eyebrows but I hate my nose, chin and thighs
Liked by: Bethan Cry

What is your favorite mascara?

I'm not really a massive fan of mascara tbh, I own about 4 I think.
I like the skinny ones by Innisfree and Missha for my bottom lashes and I have a Rimmel one which I don't really think much of overall. Miss Manga by Loreal is ok but I can only use it with this Etude House Dr Mascara fixer thing to stop it going clumpy and weird.
Liked by: Bethan

Hi! I'm new here so I'm trying to find new people :) I see you like kpop just like me. ^^ Btw now I will follow you on ask.fm and I will ask you some questions sometime. If you want you can do the same. ^^ Have a nice day.

I've followed you back! Have a nice day too :)
Liked by: Bethan Cry

Unpopular opinions regarding entertainment? (tv, books, music etc)

Rick and Morty isn't funny.
Orange Is The New Black is kinda boring.
Labyrinth isn't a good film whatsoever.
Most kpop artists put way more effort into their work than western artists. (Idk if this is unpopular or not).
The Game Of Thrones books are far better than the show (this isn't that unpopular but still).
There's not actually that much difference between an Xbox One and a PS4 besides exclusives, your decision to buy should be based on that and what your friends play on not petty ass console wars.
Fallout isn't as good as Elder Scrolls.
Dark Souls isn't difficult at all if you have patience and a decent attention span.
The Japanese live action Death Note movies are amazing.
Attack On Titan isn't a bad anime, the first season has issues with character development and pacing. That's it.
As much as I enjoyed Stranger Things the hype about it was way over the top.

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Why do you know so many languages?

I got taught French and German (and Latin but I hated that so much) at school then I started teaching myself Japanese at 14/15 mainly because I was really into anime then I started Korean when I was 17 because I liked kpop so I guess mainly just because it was related to my interests. I do actually really like challenging myself with learning them though so I probably will try and learn something else in the future. I'm just a bit of a nerd when it comes to languages aha.

Which languages do you understand or speak?

Obviously I'm a native English speaker but other than that French, German, Japanese and Korean and there's like a few others that I understand a fair bit in (Mainly Swedish, know the odd few words in Russian and Cantonese) but these four are where I could actually hold a decent conversation with someone.
I've been learning Korean the shortest amount of time but it's what I'm best at imo like it's a ridiculously easy language to learn, when I write in hangul it's really messy though

Name three things you have never done, but would like to do?

Been in the presence of Park Jimin
Kissed Park Jimin
Had a long and happy marriage with Park Jimin with two cute ass kids and probably a dog
Liked by: Bethan Cry belén nn: d

http://ask.fm/Millierawrz/answers/139697783325 a single pack of poptarts, i'm absolutely wheezing

His mum actually gave him money to get me gifts and I put so much thought into what I bought him because I genuinely gave a shit and he spent it on weed and whatever else and just brought me crap. I had so many people tell me I was been selfish because I was mad about it and I know "it's the thought that counts" but he literally straight up couldn't be fucked at all. There's still things that i'd appreciate that are cheap just not things that were clearly just bought without any thought whether i'd like it or not.

What is the worst gift you have ever received?

My ex from 3 almost 4 years ago got me a kids hat for Christmas that didn't even fit my head (Granted I had a right egg head but w/e) and a single packet of pop tarts like genuinely not even a full box just the two you get in the little foil packets.
And my last ex got given £50 to buy me a present so he took me into town shopping to get a gift and I SHIT YOU NOT bought himself a videogame and some food with the money then got pissy with me a week later because I wouldn't spend my birthday money on him lmfao.
Liked by: Bethan belén


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