

Ask @Millierawrz

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wait ,why is AC Unity sexist?

Basically after Unity was announced at E3 a group of "women's rights activists" accused Ubisoft of been sexist for not including a playable female character. Ubisoft's reasoning was that in the multiplayer each person is the same character just with a different coloured coat and weapon set meaning it'd be odd because in game you'd be a woman then in a cutscene you'd be a dude. Ubisoft would of have to reprogram the entire game to add it in which would be a waste of time and money. Seriously there's bigger things to be bothered about than what gender you're playing as in a damn game where you don't see your characters face 90% of the time. Ubisoft have actually gone to the effort of having a playable female character in AC: Liberations not to mention all the supporting female character in AC: 2 which is a lot more than most video game developers have done with their games. It annoys me to an insane level when people do not understand the time and effort that goes into making a video game

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do you think those womans activists were right calling Assassin's Creed sexist for not having playable female characters?

Considering there's an entire Assassin's Creed where you play as a woman their point was bullshit anyway, not to mention that the multiplayer in Unity wouldn't of worked properly if they included female characters. There's so many points I could make about how they were wrong and if they seriously care about the portrayal of women in video games they should be making a stand about GTA which is a disgustingly sexist game not a game that has gone to the effort as having a decent female protaganist.

if you hate your weight so.much go to the gym.

Well considering I have an anxiety disorder and the last time I went to the gym I had a panic attack and relapsed it's not that simple. Seriously the only way I can exercise is if I go out in the dark in the forest near my house, that's how bad it is ok.
Liked by: Bread Soy Sauce

why were you bullied if you don't mind me asking?

Basically at my primary school it was expected for girls to wear cardigans and skirts and boys to wear a jumper and trousers but I wore the "boys uniform" so I got shit for that. When I started high school I was really tall and I dyed my hair black so I got shit for that. I also got shit for my piercings, my music taste, been too fat, been too skinny, who I was dating, my mental health, my clothing etc etc.
Also I expected it to end when I started college but I was forced to leave because I was been harrassed by my ex and his friends.. yay me
Liked by: Bread Soy Sauce

new bedroom.. have you moved house?

No, basically a pipe burst in my room so i'm sleeping in my brothers old room but my mum asked me I want to stay in there so I said yeah because it means i'd have a double bed and i'd just have more room in general
so yaaay more room for my crap
Liked by: Bread Soy Sauce

Second Daily question : If you could have any mythical creatures as a pet what would you have and why? Also what would you name this mythical creatures? :3

uhmm a dragon
and i'd name it Drogon like in Game Of Thrones


Language: English