

Ask @Millierawrz

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tw: death. have there been any celebrity deaths which have affected you personally? what did this person mean to your life?

Tom Searle from Architects bothered me a lot. I met the entire band in 2013 whilst I was still living in inpatient units and they were just the nicest people, I had such a rough year and they were so sweet to me. Cancer is a horrible illness and it always seems to affect such good people.
Liked by: Bethan

what have you been interested in ever since you were a child?

Mythology and folklore, my dad had this super cool book called The Encyclopedia Of Things That Never Were and it was just full of myths and legends from all over the world and the artwork in it was beautiful
Liked by: Bethan

are you always honest in answering questions on askfm? has there been any times where you lied because it was easier than telling the truth?

No i'm completely honest unless it's like a question that's purposely intrusive or whatever and then I usually answer it in a jokey way so I guess i'm not been dishonest there
Liked by: Bethan

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How you feeling about the breakup? Do you miss him?

Ok so just to clarify I wasn't like crying in my room over some dude leaving me or whatever and I haven't particularly missed him since like maybe the 2 weeks after we broke up. The reason I said i've been dealing with a bad breakup is that it came at a time when my mental health was in the gutter again and it really made me not feel great about myself, the breakup itself wasn't bad at all and i'm still on good terms with my ex. Realistically looking back on it the relationship was dying so I do agree breaking up was the right thing for us. Obviously this is like an oversimplification of everything that went on but yeah i wasn't just like been overdramatically devastated about the entire thing and i'm completely fine now.

have there ever been moments in your life where you felt the need to take a break from social media? if you're comfortable talking about it, what was happening?

In general I tend to turn to social media specifically tumblr more if i'm going through a rough patch or something because I can vent I guess and like pretty much all of my followers are so lovely and aren't judgy about anything I say

Can DJs be considered musicians?

I wouldn't consider people who dj on the radio or people who literally just play music at like weddings etc etc musicians but if someone is live mixing stuff then yeah definitely
Liked by: Bethan Alice Jackson

hello friends! i'm incredibly sorry for not being active the last two weeks, my life has gone through a downward spiral so i needed to take some time off of social media. as for your question: what do you think of tattoos? do you have any yourself? do you plan on getting any in the future?

Yeah I have a little alien on my wrist!
I want to book something like this in for my 21st tho

because this question doesn't get asked enough: how are you REALLY doing today? is there anything about today that you wish could have gone differently?

I'm still dealing with a breakup so overall i'm not great but this day hasn't been that bad so far. I just want uni to start up again so I have other stuff to stress about aha
Liked by: Bethan

what is your favourite holiday eg: Halloween, Christmas etc and why

Halloween has pretty much been just another day for me for the past few years which is sad af because I absolutely love it. I don't mind Christmas but when my family gets together it usually leads to arguments
Liked by: Bethan Alice Jackson

does anyone in your real life know you have an askfm account? do they have an account and/or follow you?

Tbh I have friends I know irl because of ask.fm aha but I think there's maybe 4-5 people who know about this account but I don't think they're active anymore

have you ever seen live music? what bands/artists have you seen? if not, what bands/artists would you like to see?

Yeah I've seen a few
The Cure
Busted like 3 times lmao
Green Day
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu
Fall Out Boy
Parkway Drive
Bullet For My Valentine
Papa Roach
Asking Alexandria
The 1975
Zion T
Seeing Monsta X in Berlin next month too

what do you believe are the underlying reasons why some teenagers and young children are prone to violent behavior?

I'm only going to talk about like 2 reasons why people can be prone to violent behavior because there's a tonne of them and i'm already writing way too much for this so yeah haha.
Nurture vs Nature is a very big deal with violent offenders especially when we're talking about psychopathic and sociopathic individuals. They don’t really make much distinction between psychopathy or sociopathy anymore (at least not in psych; criminologists seem to still make the distinction for profiling purposes), they just group them together as anti-social personality disorder nowadays but it's generally believed that psychopaths tends to be born — it’s likely a genetic predisposition — while sociopaths tend to be made by their environment. Psychopaths can also suffer from childhood traumas the same as sociopaths but that usually isn't the cause of their behaviour. Sociopaths are the result of environmental factors such as an upbringing that resulted in abuse or trauma. So relating to the point about why some young people are prone to violent behavior psychopathic and sociopathic traits tend to start appearing as an individual is going through puberty. There's something called Conduct Disorder which is basically a blanket term for patterns of behaviour by a child or teenager in which the basic rights of others or major age-appropriate societal norms or rules are violated but it's divided into two main types. Childhood-Onset type and Adolescent-Onset type. In general young people falling into the category of childhood-onset type will go on to be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder as an adult whereas people in the adolescent-onset type won't and they'll make a recovery from conduct disorder. So there's people with genetic predispositions to violent behaviour and then there's people who have suffered abuse or trauma that will then cause them to act out particularly if the signs of antisocial behaviour appear before the age of 10. Obviously there's people who go through through childhood traumas and don't become violent but it is very common for young offenders to be from disruptive family backgrounds.

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Liked by: Bethan

what's the best thing that has happened to you so far in 2017? do you have any life-changing plans for the remainder of the year?

Ngl my year has been kinda eh (me and boyf broke up) but i'm seeing Monsta X in Berlin in August and i'm really excited for that. I was completely undecided on whether I wanted to go to Paris, Moscow or Berlin for it so I just picked out of a hat. I'm also moving to the coast in two weeks and i'm looking into doing my masters degree in Australia
Liked by: Bethan

what is your favorite movie that was based on a book? have you ever read the book it was based on?

I really like Tales Of Earthsea which is based off a book but i've never read it. I also love LOTR and i've read the books a fair few times
Liked by: Bethan

in light of recent terrorist attacks, do you believe that visa applicants' social media should be screened alongside other background checks? (source: https://www.google.com/amp/www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/40132506 )

I'm British so i'm only going to talk about what has actually gone on here because I don't really know about the rest of the world but the attacks we have had over here have been from people who were born here and they were on watch lists in the first place so screening immigrants isn't so much the issue here. I'm assuming that people who have been looking at radical content would be on the radar in the first place from the monitoring we already have in place. People don't want to live in a police state where we're monitored 24/7 so I don't really know how they'd enforce it without major backlash. The focus should definitely be on online radicalisation imo and the police should actually start listening when people's mosques are telling them that someone is acting shady (as a forensic psych student this whole thing is massively interesting to me so i'll try not to go off about it )

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Liked by: Bethan Alice Jackson

what do you believe is your innermost desire? what do you crave deepest of all?

To not be a depressed mess for once in my life and to stop pushing everyone I love away
Liked by: Bethan

have you ever been in trouble with the police? what happened?

I ran away from an inpatient unit like 3 times and had to be taken back by the police but i've never seriously been in trouble with them
Liked by: Bethan


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