

Ask @Millierawrz

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@ me because why not.

I absolutely love you tbh
making a crossbow at school ;)
I still need to slap your family
and i'd probably save you in a zombie apocalypse
Liked by: Bread

i take it you are a lesbian but you dont treat girls very nicley do you ??

No, I just don't treat retards like you very nicely :)

why the fuck did you get upset because some bloke at college had a go at you for dropping out of school, it's your own fucking fault for dropping out

Are you fucking kidding me?
I didn't drop out, I had to leave because I got sectioned because I was a danger to myself.
I'd of rather been in school instead of all that shit
I think you'd get upset if someone started having a go at you saying your depression and self harm isn't an issue and school should of been your priority
Liked by: Faith Thomas Bread

why was that man at college been a dick because you left school early in the year? :/

Because my school attendance was really bad last year he asked me why and I basically said I suffer from depression and I tried to kill myself so I was in hospital and basically he said that's not an excuse because school should be a priority
I'm fucking sorry but school is more important than my mental health now?
I don't fucking think so

I wish i was there, I would have given him a proper beating

It was really horrible because he was just whinging at me about how crappy my school attendance was and how hospital wasn't an excuse and I just proper freaked out and started crying
Liked by: Bread

What is the first thing you notice in a person of the opposite sex?

somebody kill me.....
i'm begging you


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