

Ask @Millierawrz

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also my mum has a thing for Rick too, Rick's a national mum sensation it seems

Andrew Lincoln is in one of my mums favourite films so she's like obsessed

Merle though, got killed off waaaayyy too quickly it's like they'd just shown him become a good guy and decided to kill him annoyed me kinda glad Andrea died in it, she was incredibly annoying

yeah I know :/ Merle was one of my favourites.
Andrea was just eugh -.-
Liked by: Dorian Beige

Shane got killed off a bit too early, just like Merle did

I knew Merle would die tbh, it just seemed too good Daryl would meet back up with him and everything would be fine. idk, Shane just annoyed me
Liked by: Dorian Beige

did you dislike any walking dead character from the start?

Shane, just because in the first episode you see him kissing Lori in the tent then you find out that it's Rick's wife from the photo. I just thought he was an arsehole and i'm glad he was killed off.
Liked by: KitKat Hart

Alex is a retard for leaving you for Kayleigh tbh

i'm better in bed than her as well so haaahaaaaahaaaaa to him.

why does Kayleigh Sorby hate you so much?

1. I have a nicer arse than her
2. I have nicer boobs than her
3. she is an idiot
4. I was at the front for Slipknot at download and she was off been a whore
5. i'm better looking than her
6. she secretly fancies me and covers it up by pretending to hate me
7. she is a cunt bag
Liked by: beth ann.

Hot or nots(

My dad brought me The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct for passing my exams and i think I've wet myself with excitement

Natural Beauty Challenge: Take off all of your makeup, tie back your hair and take a photo of yourself without posing or pouting. Post it on here and we get to see the real, beautiful you.

Liked by: Batman AnonCuties Bread


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