

Ask @Millierawrz

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do you get horny easy

Like I guess it depends on the person I'm with
Like I've only recently started to care about sex again so
Liked by: Laurz


Tbf it was at a campout in a field and like it was 4am and there was nobody else around aside from my mates but it still counts as a public place
Liked by: Laurz

Really I read something that said the middle or second half of 2016

If you look at anime release dates in Japan yearly it'll most likely be March/April, if it was later in the year it'd be part of the autumn anime season and be in September or October
Liked by: Laurz

I couldn't even get through the first episode it kinda looks ridiculous

It's supposed to look ridiculous....that's kinda the point of it
Liked by: Laurz

If you were really hungry, really exhausted, AND really gross, what would you do first — eat, nap, or shower?

This is the first time i've been on Ask on my laptop in months and seriously, what grapefruit did they employ to redesign everything??
It's such a mess jfc

Shingeki no Kyojin x Fullmetal Alchemist? ?

† Tem †
Tbh FMA will always be one of my favourite series and I love everything about it but I'm so actively involved in the snk fandom now and it's such a huge part of my life that I'd choose that over anything else
Liked by: Laurz † Tem †

Did you ask your boyfriend out or did he ask you?

Well we were making out and I decided to be an asshole and be like "lmao we're just friends, you can't do that" (v v difficult moment of my life denying a cute boy the right to kiss me but whatever) and after awhile of me been an annoying fck he said "if you don't want to be friends what do you want to be?" and I got embarrassed and after like 5 minutes of me hiding under the duvet I asked him to be my boyfriend so I asked him out but he set me up for it because he is a little shit.
Liked by: Laurz Jaheh

What would you do if all your hair fell out and it never grew back?

Well I take care of my hair and considering my mum is a professional hair dresser I highly doubt that'll ever happen but I'd get a wig obviously.


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