

Ask @Millierawrz

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Is there a TV show that you've seen over and over again and it always cheers you up ? (For me it's Friends ?)

UfkingWotm8’s Profile Photo➶ Asralyn ➷
I'm not a massive fan of The Big Bang Theory but there's one episode that makes me really happy where they have like a treasure hunt and I can watch certain episodes of Attack On Titan over and over
Liked by: ➶ Asralyn ➷

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http://ask.fm/Millierawrz/answer/128502182685 the dude doing that interview was such an ass

"What if you don't get to number 1?"
"What if your fans don't buy your album?"
Can u not
GD looked so uncomfortable when he was asking all that crap but he answered everything so well
I've been so unaware of how attractive his mouth is and it's killing me

right so my first theme for question spam is gonna be positivity c: 1) what is something that you love about your body that you didn't love before ?

UfkingWotm8’s Profile Photo➶ Asralyn ➷
My nose
I remember when I was 14/15 some boy at school said I had a witch nose and it really upset me and now I really do not care about
Annie had a big nose and she's a titan so
Liked by: ➶ Asralyn ➷

What nice things do you like to tell yourself when you're having a bad day ? Do you like to treat yourself on these days, e,g, watch a funny film, make a cup of tea ?

UfkingWotm8’s Profile Photo➶ Asralyn ➷
I actually feel really on edge if I don't drink tea and I usually vary what kind of tea I have
I tend to go buy myself some snacks and listening to some music or read for a while
Liked by: ➶ Asralyn ➷

has there ever been a tv show/film/book/person that has had a positive impact on your life and made you see things differently ?

UfkingWotm8’s Profile Photo➶ Asralyn ➷
I remember getting into Naruto when I was about 11 and I was getting bullied a lot at school and it kinda gave me a lot of hope seeing him overcome all the things he went through
Liked by: ➶ Asralyn ➷

do you believe in astrology ? if so, what is your sign? if not, what do you think of those that do ??

UfkingWotm8’s Profile Photo➶ Asralyn ➷
I'm one of those people who if they see a post on Tumblr like "anime boyfriend by sign" and I get paired with someone good i'm really happy tbh

What do you think about vegetarians?


All you do on Tumblr is moan about your parents, what's the matter? Mommy not get you a new iPhone

I'd really love to live in a world where everything is sugarcoated and the only thing that could possibly cause someone to dislike their mother is not getting a new phone not being subjected to verbal abuse on a daily basis :)))

What was your first concert? No matter how embarrassing - let's hear it.

I saw Busted twice when I was about 5/6 and I can't remember any of it for the life of me
The first concert I can remember is Fall Out Boy when I was 11 aha

Do you ever want kids?

Can I just adopt Bigbang because they're literally all kids???
Also I am Kaneki Ken's mother because he needs me

What's the furthest from home you've been?

This is really bothering me and I just need to sort of rant about it so yeah
My brother's ex girlfriend is 19 and she's seeing a 30 year old man who is married and like i'm really bothered by this because she's a lovely person and I feel like he has pressured her into a relationship and I just think it's really weird and creepy and I don't know what to say to her tbh

Problems with the Attack On Titan fandom?

Oh boy..
There's so many people who ship Eren and Levi and don't understand why that's gross considering Levi is at least 30 and Eren is 15, like I ship them as a brotp because you can tell Levi cares about Eren because he looks like Isabel
Ship hating particularly towards EreMika because some people can't except the fact that the protagonist is obviously straight. Like it's not enough for some people that we have a canon lesbian relationship where one of the members is royalty and I still stand by my headcanon that Jean and Marco spooned so get away from me
Bashing Mikasa and claiming she's a stalker, lmfao fight me
Fetishizing Mikasa because of her Japanese heritage, like if you actually did that in front of Mikasa she'd punch you
Painting Levi to be abusive, this is one of the grossest things in the fandom and you have no idea how many times i've wandered into a fanfic where Levi is portrayed as a r*pist and it's just disgusting and I swear Isayama has actually commented on this
Men in the fandom getting pissy because all the girls are amazing
People saying "they're like Kenny Ackerman", like no he was a murderer, can u not
and people sending hate because they don't interpret Hanji's gender the same as someone else
I think that's about it tbh, like a lot of it is shitty but it doesn't happen that often tbh

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Liked by: nova

honesty hour?

I'm honestly about to start playing Skyrim but if you ask me stuff i'll check back in a little while and answer them if you want

which attack on titan character would you think is the most likely to develop an addiction?

This is a really damn weird question....
But Sasha would get an energy drink addiction after Connie left one at her house and she goes out and buys like 10 more and turns up at Krista's door shaking and telling Krista she loves her ok

Do you think Annie, Bertholdt and Reiner should die?

I actually get really annoyed when people try and justify the fall of Shiganshina with "but they were just kids" or "they didn't know what they were doing because they were in their Titan form" because when Trost fell they were all like 16 and they sure as hell knew what they were doing and Annie literally pulled so much crap in her human form.
I always view Annie is been the one who is most aware of her actions and it's only in the final episode of season 1 that she shows any sort of emotion for what she's done and it's more than she failed her father rather than killed loads of people.
Bertholdt is nothing short of a psychopath and the only reason people try and say he's innocent is because he's quite and it's like he's doing that so he doesn't get attached to anyone he may have to kill.
Reiner is the only one I view as feeling shitty about what they've done and I actually want him to have some sort of redemption because he deserves it but I reckon all 3 of them are going to die at some point

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