

Ask @Millierawrz

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What is the quality you most like in a man?

Also, can we talk about the fact that you can still play as Corvo in Dishonored 2 but they showed Emily in the trailer and it's made the game way more appealing for me, bless u Bethesda
Liked by: Laurz

Who was the last person you said thank you to?

Loved the look of Dishonored 2 and i’m sort of tempted to pick up Elder Scrolls Online on PS4 (i’ve heard it’s better on console tbf)
I’m also interested in that Elder Scrolls strategy card game because I really enjoy things like that if they’re done well
Not massively impressed with Fallout 4 as i’ve never been a fan of the series but I did like the look of the house building feature
Not really feeling anything for Doom either

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i finished attack on titan yesterday. i think its great. im thinking of death note next. what are your thoughts on death note

Death Note is actually one of my favourite things
Like it's really weird because each person who watches it has a different idea of who the antagonist is
10/10 recommend it ok

when was the last time you watched attack on titan?

I watched the OVA where Jean and Sasha have a cook off the other day and I watched episode 24 this morning because I MISS ANNIE SO MUCH LIKE YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I MISS HER UGH

What is something you do every single day?

If I didn't rant about least one thing every day i'd probably get in a car and reverse it off a bridge tbh
Liked by: ➶ Asralyn ➷

why do you think it was Eren's great grandfather and why do you think there's a tunnel?

1. I feel like everything to do with Titans is related to Eren because he's the protagonist so it'd make sense but the beast titan shifter looks a lot like Grisha and the ages would match up for it to be his great grandfather as opposed to just his grandfather.
2. When the scout regiment were in Castle Utgard, Reiner (I think it was Reiner but it doesn't really matter) found a bottle of wine labelled in a weird language which only Ymir could read so i'm going to take an educated guess and say the wine is from wherever Ymir is from which is beyond the walls. Reiner also found a basement area that went down really deep into the earth and there was Titans down there. Later on in Sina there's a panel of a noble man and the wine is in the background on his table. I feel like there's tunnels from each area of the walls to the outside world and i'm assuming there's one in Shiganshina.
I'm assuming this because in the first chapter when Eren expresses how much he wants to join the military and go outside the walls, Grisha mentions the key and showing Eren what he was working on which I think is the tunnel which he was going to let Eren use if he joined the scout regiment. Another thing is that a plague broke out in the walls and so many people would have died if Grisha hadn't have discovered a cure straight away. Tbh I feel like someone discovering the cure to some new plague almost as soon as it breaks out is too good to be true so I think Grisha used the tunnel and got the cure from the outside world, probably wherever the Titan trio are from. This would also explain how Reiner got into Shiganshina to breach Wall Maria and how Annie got back in after messing up the expedition.

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who do you think the beast titan is?

Ok so after I read the last chapter I was thinking that the panel showing the glasses the beast titan shifter had on was somewhat suspicious because why show a pair of glasses if the panel has no meaning?
The glasses look almost identical to the pair Eren's father used to wear and i've seen no one else wear glasses like that in the series so I'm assuming the beast titan shifter is related to Eren in some way and after re-reading the chapter the shifter looks very much like Grisha so that further backs up what i'm thinking.
I saw a theory post on Tumblr saying it could potentially be Eren's great grandfather due to the Titan not knowing what the 3DMG is and I can't quite remember what year the 3DMG was made but it'd mean the age for him to be Eren's great grandfather lines up (Also bear in mind that Ymir didn't age when she was stuck in her Titan form so he could be even older than I think he is) but he also could potentially have been the first titan (This is one of my theories and it's very complicated ok)
Also I have a theory that the big surprise that is in the Jaeger basement is a tunnel to the outside world, probably where Reiner, Annie and Bertholdt are from so it'd explain how the titan shifter just left and also how he got back to Shiganshina so fast at the end of that chapter

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Liked by: Alice Jackson

What video games have you been playing recently?

Uh I finished Majora's Mask 3D for the second time last week so i'm mainly playing Rune Factory 4 on my 3DS
Playing Splatoon every now and again
and i'm working my way through Skyrim on PC because I've never got that far with the PC version aha
I'm actually super happy with some of the mods i've found because all the cities look super nice at the moment (It's Whiterun in the picture)
Liked by: meme lover 101

I literally said ethnicity doesn't matter

"I am a warrior of my ethnicity travelling the world bangin Celtic, Aztec, Roman, African, Japanese princesses, etc"
Except you're talking about "bangin" people of different etnic groups???
Regardless you're disgusting, why the fuck would you send this to someone online? People like you really fuck me off, I don't want to be dragged into your fucking ridiculous fetish. Sort yourself out mate.

Would you consider yourself a loyal friend? How do you earn people's loyalty?

I have no clue
I literally never meet up with them and just send them memes every now and again ???
Liked by: Laurz

Is this weird? I have an ancient times fetish, I want to have sex with girls roleplaying as their ancient ancestors. Ethnicity doesn't matter, as long as they roleplay their ethnicity. I am a warrior of my ethnicity travelling the world bangin Celtic, Aztec, Roman, African, Japanese princesses, etc.

Congratulations you're racist :))
Liked by: allie Laurz

Be careful with those questions about being a giant or shrinking people. It's a fetish called macrophilia.

Tbh I ignore them so
Like I don't get people who try and drag other people into their fetishes, it's really gross and like i'm sex repulsed so it makes me uncomfortable to the point of having panic attacks if I start thinking about what someone might be doing over my replies
Liked by: Laurz

Is love complicated? Why?

I would be the st*pid fucker who didn't want to go to Download because Babymetal weren't playing and then they ended up playing
Fuck sake
Liked by: Mahnoor Wadood

Why can't Greek and Italian actors play Ancient Greeks and Romans in Hollywood movies?

Maybe because racism is embedded in Hollywood
Liked by: Laurz


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