

Ask @MirandaaGalloo

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All the girls I sent that to say personality but in all reality they won't give the good guys with good personalities a chance because they arnt good enough looking

I have a competitive bodybuilding boyfriend with a nice face who plays guild wars and has the greatest personality and is an absolute gentleman. We both admitted we liked each others appearance first, and now we imagine marrying each other. Appearance is what draws you, personality is what keeps you.

you and your girls at western are so underrated. You guys have the nicest bodies and better personalities than any other group.

oh thank you ❤️

Any tips on how ya make it through?

with two friends and focusing on school?
idk you surround yourself with people you care about and realize that being liked isn't everything. Just be nice.

Can't you graduate from any HIGHSCHOOL? I want to spent my years happy and make good friends I am miserable is it really a bad idea to switch?

but academics, your future, and graduation mean more.

I'm in a really really good academic school but I'm so unhappy with the people in it everyday is a struggle I have no friends do you think it's worth it to transfer out (I have a few more years left )

School always triumphs over friend group.
I have literally 2 friends at my school.

Do u have any tips for someone who wants to lose like 30 pounds in 8 months? What advice would u give to get lean and stuff :)!

High protein
Clean eating
Drink your life in water
Do not consume alcohol. It fucks you.
Zero processed foods.
Work out 6 days a week.
Cardio on each of those 6 days.
If you genuinely want to lose the weight, it will happen.


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