
Morgan Taylor Ladewig

Ask @MorgannnTaylorrr

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What are the things you want to avoid in a relationship?

Dishonesty, bad communication, things getting dull. Not doing the things it took for the relationship to start. And taking each other for granted. Lessons learned.
Liked by: brianna garrison.

If you had one wish, what would you wish for?

To be able to forget all my worries for a whole 24 hours and have nothing but pure bliss.
Liked by: Alex Wright

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Who's your favorite girl in jr high

Hmm I like a lot! Probably Tiffany Lentz cause she's been around me the most this summer!

You're my BdoubleF :) I just wanted everyone on here to know this :)

Hahaha I love you K-Monayyyyy

What's your favorite memory of school so far?

Idk me and my class are always doing something that causes trouble. Haha I love my friends

Why don't y'all have slow pitch anymore?

They are cutting it out of more schools every year. And this year is just our first year being cut

That's cool. Do you play slow pitch and fast pitch softball?

Yeah but we don't have slow pitch anymore so just fast pitch

That's how I am. I'd like a big family. Do you work anywhere

My parents own a store that I work at. And I babysit


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