
Morgan Taylor Ladewig

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Do you know any smithville guys?

Hmmm... My best friend dates a guy from smithville.. And I know Keenan, he done went and taught this white girl how to dougie. :O and I know of other people but he's probably the main one.
Liked by: IG: Keenen_for_3

Favorite Fulton guys?

I'm not too sure how many times I have to answer this... But I don't have any favorite Fulton guys, nor do I think they are cute... In have a couple of guy friends but that's it.
Liked by: hayleigh pierce

Actually, I used to be very religious... and I was taught religion my whole life. But then I independently studied up on the Bible more and I just came to disagree with many of the things it said.. But it's totally okay that God/Jesus is the #1 priority in your life!! (which you already know of cour

Well I'm sorry you feel that way. I really pray someday you'll come to feel the way I do about It because the most precious feeling in the world.

Has Bird asked you out yet?

Well first... His last name is spelled Byrd... And no. When and if he wants to, he will...

Thanks for being so great about it. :) I'm sorry if I upset you in any way or if I came off as arrogant.

No it's totally okay. When people aren't raised being taught about Him it's difficult to take in, just like the fact that He's all I know, it hurts to think someone doesn't know Him.
Liked by: Corey Jones

I refuse to acknowledge the existence of a higher being or "God", but that doesn't mean that I don't accept the possibility that he/she/they COULD BE there. It also doesn't mean that I agree with science. My religion/non-religion is based on keeping an open mind and considering every possibility.

Well that's fine that you feel that way. You aren't the one leading me to Heaven.. My Savior is. And I don't want to come off as arrogant so we can agree to disagree.
Liked by: Allyson Cloinger

That's a nice answer about the religion thing, and I respect your opinion but still why not respect ours? If I wanted I could sit here and type out many things to contradict your answer and what you define proof of God as, but I won't, because you'll still have your opinion and I'll still have mine.

I mean you asked me. You asked my reasoning and I told you. I don't need to see something with my eyes to believe it. Because I know He's real. It's not an opinion. You can believe it or you can believe against it. In the end we all speak for ourselves. Im sorry if you don't agree. I'm just answering the best way I know how.
Liked by: Drew Coleman Bitch.

Okay, but do you accept their opinions? When it comes down to it, no one really has proof of anything. We think we do, but the possibilities of what is real and what isn't real are endless.

I can honestly say, if you need proof of God, witness the miracle of a baby being born, experiencing the love he gives through everything we do. Watch a sunset. That's not Science creating those colors. That's God. How about sitting outside at night and listening to all of the animals and seeing the stars. Or the most amazing feeling, the feeling of conviction... The moment God speaks to you and you turn your life over to him... That's the proof He is real. You will never fully be able to understand until you experience it, but I can assure you, the feeling of security, love, protection, and comfort He shows me every day, is all the proof you will ever need.

Have you ever stolen anything?

I stole gum when I was 4. I literally thought my mom was going to kill me. I have never taken anything since. Hahaha

Top 10 prettiest girls at Tremont?

Ummm I think we have so many pretty girls with gorgeous personalities. I don't think I can pick ten because I like just about every girl at our school. :)


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