
Morgan Maguire

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H.o of Alex?

He's a bawstane. Nah he's an absolute babe, only been out with him once but it was really good fun he seems hilarious and so nice and I hope we get close:)
Liked by: Alexander.

morgan, you are one of my best friends, i love you brain fart, youre so pretty i had a morgasm, it was nice haha ;) you have amazing music taste, i can trust you with anything, we have giigle fits and bants have some more haribo rings wife ;) we have sexy best friend necklaces cos were 5 ;) ly hen<3

Liked by: Heather Michael

Morgan i really did like you dont think i didnt cause i did but i liked someone else more and so i cant go out with anyone while my feelings are like that, im sorry morgan you know you werent a mistake, my feelings were the mistake

Jason Drinan
Oki then Jason, as long as you are happy:) that's all I really give a fuck about:)) thanks though .. :)

Mate, you're a great girl and a great laugh, I never see you but you're pretty and I wish we talked more, I hope you're okay about what happened though! Miss ya! Anon.

Thanks Baba, made me smile:) and we will talk more:) Ahaha and yeah, im alright:))

hey check out my friends photography page? She doesnt know im doing this.. ill only link it if you want to look at her page. Shes self-taught and really freaking awesome at it!


Why the fudge are people giving you hate? Is it cause you go out with Jason? Well yeah they are sad mother fuckers you and Jason are the cutest couple they need a life and your so pretty!xxx

Brooke Collins
:) x

Why are people giving you hate? Is this the Jason thing again? People are immature hah anyway you and Jason are so cute together ignore the bitches! Haha and your so pretty!<3

Brooke Collins
Thanks brooke. x


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