
Scott Bull

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Latest answers from Scott Bull

Do you use a low class people Android phone or a classy rich people phone (iphone)?

You do know the most expensive Android phone costs more than the most expensive iPhone and also gets features a up to a decade before?

Last time you were drunk?

Never been drunk: only time I ever got tipsy I switched over to orange juice.

do not colour your hair if you're not going to maintain it and colour it periodically. oh you're pastel pink and your roots are grown? that's called being unkempt.

I've not had hair in almost 25 years.

What's your opinion on rishi sunak stripping Gps of sick notes?

Shannon678900’s Profile PhotoShannon
We should strip MP's of their expenses and see how they like it.
If we put MP's on the same wage as a junior NHS nurse then the wages would go up real fast.

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