@Mrjensa#1 🇸🇪


Ask @Mrjensa

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What makes you angry?

When you wake up because your fucking neighbours decided to have a fucking disco🤬
Oh yeah, so this is how you wanna do this? Really? Let's have a fucking disco.
I have a special playlist on Spotify for moments like this. And based on their shity music. This shit will end the fucking neighbourhood for good.
Grrr!!! You don't ruin my beauty sleep. Especially not with a fucking German Über Pop-disco.
What makes you angry

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What's been your greatest discovery on the web?

nai269549’s Profile Photoʟᴇɪᴀɴ ♕
That's easy. It's all of you guys ❤️❤️❤️
I recently reached, at least for me, a large number of followers. I'm so thankful because you are the best. This site would be so boring without all of you. For me, it's not about the number of people. It's about the person behind the number. To come here every day and get to know you, know new cultures and share things... I'm so honoured.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the support and love ❤️❤️❤️

Have any thoughts you want to share?

Great, they apologised to her, but who the fuck apologised to the fucking crocodile they turned into a fucking handbag? Shouldn't he expect a fucking apology for how they treated him, too?
Jesus Christ! Poor fucking guy.
I am pretty sure he expected more out of life than becoming a fucking handbag.
So, let's have a silent minute for him and then move on with our fucking lives while we still can. Next time it might be our skinny asses some rich fuck is carrying around with over the shoulder😬
I told you, it's a mad world out there.
Have any thoughts you want to share

What kind of place do you think is ideal for the first date? Why do you think so?

nai269549’s Profile Photoʟᴇɪᴀɴ ♕
I don't fucking date people. Do you know how many fucking crazy people there are out there???
Holy macaroni!
And even if you be lucky enough, you can bet your fcking ass they dated someone.
It's a fucking mad world. Be careful, guys. They are out there, somewhere, someplace, as we speak.

Name your friend who’s never ready at the time for going out!

nai269549’s Profile Photoʟᴇɪᴀɴ ♕
Fuck, that sounds like me😬 That's why I always wanted to live in India. In India, no one would ever fucking care if you show up an hour late. I think it's written in the fucking laws for people to be late there. Be one hour late here, and people would shred you to pieces and school you for the rest of your fucking life.

Do you trust your instincts? Have they ever deceived you?

nai269549’s Profile Photoʟᴇɪᴀɴ ♕
Nah, but I better fucking start. I knew I couldn't trust that little lazy piece of shit. I fucking knew it. We said, "LOSER HAS TO CLEAN THE APARTMENT FOR A WEEK".Do you think he fucking did? So now I have to do it. AND GUESS WHAT? I START WITH FUCKING HIM.
You can't fucking trust anyone these days😕
Do you trust your instincts Have they ever deceived you

If you could have anything you wanted for dinner tonight, what would it be?

Eating dinner now, in the middle of the fucking night? Do you guys think I'm fucking mental or something?
Jesus Christ!
Besides, I dont have the time because I'm in the middle of a fucking football game with my doll right now. The loser has to clean the apartment for a week, so it's a pretty fucking important game.
Holy shit!
Crazy fucking people.
If you could have anything you wanted for dinner tonight what would it be


Language: English