

Ask @Mrspiik3y1

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Jake, honestly you're such an amazing boy and the right girl will come along and love you with everything she is, for everything you are. Just let it happen, otherwise it's like splashing then complaining no ripples are coming your way :)

omg thankyou!!
Who is this??

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Who said the thing about cemone warren being average? Whoever it is I actually love them, my friends are all obsessed, nice to know someone actually isn't in this country

Idk who said that tbf, Silly Anons!!

I don't understand why everyones obsessed with Cemone Warren? She's average looking and this is coming from a guy

idk? Im just saying shes a nice lass and im happy im her friend

favourite pewdiepie video/game he's played?

all of them
But Skate 3
TTT (as im in one of the videos)

hey can i message you on Facebook so we can talk about all things PewDiePie because no one i know likes him :(

yeah you can, Just pop up sayind PEWDIEPIE!!

do you like cemone warren? she kinda likes you :3

shes a very lovely girl tbh. and who are you? I dont think she does

Idc that gmod broke your pc, you're playing it with me tomorrow, or coming out:L Bet you know who this is;)

Whats Gmod
Whats a PC?
Whats 'meeting me'?
Katie you faggot!! I will try fix Gmod today if not i'll meet you but remember im a boring Twat ;)

Like anyone at the moment

i find a lot of people attractive, But liking them wouldnt get me anywhere....
Im waut for a girl to come to me first so i dont need to make an effort 24/7

What first attracts you to a girl?

if we text/message:
How nice they are, How they make an effort, Funny and cute
In Person:
Eyes and smile, How they act around me, Nice bum!!
Liked by: Carla

Do you have a type?

2ND: Like my music taste (BMTH, PTV, A7X)
3RD: Makes the same amount of effort as i do
4TH: Cuddles AND Kisses
5TH: Movies and TV Series Preferred The Walking Dead and Adventure Time

Personality or looks kind of lad?

Im a personality guy
But you have to have a slight attractive Girl aswell

Cemone warren thinks you're a freak mate, don't know why you make out you're friends. Grow up

and you know this because? :')


Language: English