

Ask @MuahItsKelsey

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"i play cod, i love photography, and i laugh alot. -- ♥dont spend your time living someone elses life✨☺✌newport #Dominican Twerkin since 2011" Can we get married thoooooooo

YOOO YOU BE CREEPIN HARD ON MY INSTA LMAO....... like a pic so ik its reaaal

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Shall we look for love, wait for love or forget totally about it?

Dont look for it, dont wait on it, dont forget it. It will come

Offered you a nickel to tickle muh pickle but u wasn't hearing me, broke muh heart baybe girl rn its tearing me, Might offer times two but muh heart turned light blue, u a dime under light but girl we gon fight, my barz dey hard like milshakes in da yard, u brought me to this ;( - anon baybe ;*

hahaha that shits funny. nice attempt to write a rap, ill give ya that
Liked by: Chris

If I send you my @ name after you reply to this will you look me up and hmu? Oh and not post the message with my @ name. I only do it cause I only like people that I want to know who I am. Sorry if that's weird

lol okayy

Wow. I use to follow you. I use to talk to you. But 1 day you randomly blocked me. Which is hurt.

lmao i didnt block you, i never blocked anyone on twitter

Don't think we've met. I'll give you my name but over text. Or something not on here

lmao sketchy... just dm me on twitter lol

How to make a woman happy?

Tell her what you think about her and whats on your mind. Don't do the expected, surprise her.... with kisses!


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