
Hafiz Mazlan

Ask @MuhammadLebron23

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What's your comment on atheists believes?

luqmanhakimMLH’s Profile PhotoLuqman Hakim
loq......aq rasa atheist ni org yg pling malang di dunia...diorg tk dpt menikmati keindahan agama kiter...tpi kiter tkleh blame diorg...mungkin allah timpa mereka dgn ujian yg menyebabkan diorang "benci" tuhan... kita jdikanlah diorg sbgi pengajaran untuk bersabar mengaharungi dugaan tuhan....allah pon ckp kat quran dier xkan uji hambanya dgn ujian yg hambanya xleh harungi (x tpt tpi maksud same)...ingatlah loq allah uji kiter itu tanda allah syg sgnt kt kiter.....bak kata org putih 'good things come to those who wait'.. bersabarlah mengharungi kehidupan... ps:sori lepas 4 hari baru aq reply
Liked by: Luqman Hakim Najmi daye

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Who had the most positive influence on you?

1. Allah (kalau allah tu boleh refer as someone) 2. Nabi kita 3. Everyone that were patience living through the hardship of life

hafiz makin handsome sekarang haha

hmmmmmmm tk elok mcm ni kalau kau perempuan kau stalker dan aku sebagai laki x suka di-stalk ... aku yg nk stalk tpi kalau kau jantan aku akan berfikiran positif dan menganggap ini hanyalah satu pujian dan kau x gay :) :) (have a good day) sori lepas setahun baru reply ag mmg x aktif guna ask

Do you have a favorite knock knock joke? Tell it!

unknown : knock knock...
me: who's there?
unknown:the police.. we want to talk...
me:how many of you are there?
police:there's two of us....
me:then talk to each other...
sori kalau x lawak..yer aq tau org lain buat joke ni #have_a_good_day

Hafiz, kau ni baik auu.. muka mcm gangster sket kat sekolah.. tp hati mulia :).. aku teringin nk jd kawan baik kau.. kau mcm pendiam kat sekolah.. aku tau kau budak pandai kann haha.. tp srs kau baik.. kalau boleh nk jd kawan dulu.. insya allah

ya allah siaper la ni??

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