
Megan emerson

Ask @Musicalmegzie

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Natasha n Lauren a in Newton, in Lumley theirs Annabel Laura DUI Kenzies etc

Ohh right! Laura and kenzie in Newton then!

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You are to me though, your beautiful and dont let anyone else tell you diffrent

Thank you! Give me a hint to who you are :')

What you mean why? your perfect!

Just why! I'm not perfect not even pretty (being genuin there I know I'm not get called ugly enough) so yeah why? Thank you tho

10 prettiest girls year 10 sgs x

Deanna! Paige! Becky bridges! Jade walden! Charlotte mumby! Charley Webb! Taylor bell!emma Baxter! Sophie Clarke! Frankie! :)

Prettiest year 8 girl in L,M,N,T

M:Alex or Harriet or nia
T: Becky
L: I think this is the form Natasha and Lauren are in so them
N: Emily xoxo

Go listen to the song "Beneath your Beautiful" that describes exactly on how i feel about you!;) <3 <3

Are you trying to say you want to see me naked ;) PLEASE MESSAGE ME!!<3<3

Are you outgoing or shy?

Outgoing with my friends and people I don't know, but when it comes to performing or having to talk to loads of people I am so shy!

Choose One... What would you do if someone took your phone? #SLAP THEM# #BEAT THEM UP# #KISS THEM# #JUST LEAVE THEM WITH IT# #KICK THEM#

My phone is battered to shit so I don't even know who would want an IPhone with a cracked screen aha! Probably leave them with it, I'd get it back... Hopefully
Liked by: ♥Kinga Kamuda♥


Language: English