
Megan emerson

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The two people you can trust in each from yr9 sgs

M- Daryl and mica
N- Kelly and Millie/Jemima
T- jaeger and Ellie
L- Sydney and Shannon

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You said you knew who i was, i was telling mica is a bitch cause she is

I thought I did but now I'm doubting it stop hiding behind anon

Two nicest people in each form yr 9 sgs

M- Daryl and phoebe C
N- Kelly and Millie
T- jaeger and Sophie
L- Sydney and Shannon

Who,else in your year is good at gymnastics

Jaeger, kelly, millie Charlotte and lola I think don't actually n

y did u and dee just stop talkin?

It wasn't just stop talking it came in a long a run and was always going to happen, I was always there her, but very serious things were said that weren't exactly true, I'm not going to sugar coat it i was disgusted and something's were very personal to me and I couldn't be friends with someone like that, at the end of the day we have both moved on and I think it was for the best

Your so beauiful, even barbie is jealous! <3

OH MY GOD THANK YOU SO SO MUCH! This has made me so happy please inbox me?? Like now <3
Liked by: Michael

What gymnastics can you do?

I can do all the rolls both splits front and left leg pull head touch front walk over crab headstand cartwheel hand stand round off split leap pretty much most things besides flips an things with my back besides a crab

Awe,thanks so much beautifu,that's so nice!i can not wait!ill get my snob on ;) xxxxxxxx

It's okay gorge! And me either, you go girl ;) xxxxxxxxx

Y8 one sorry not the one in our year

Oh right aha! Don't worry! And Alex is just so sosososoossoosososoo perfect I love her to the moon and back she is so pretty and oh yeah such a snob ;) I don't see why people are horrid to her because let's be honest it must be jealousy and people really need to get there life sorted out if they can find any fault with her, she is always up for a chat and I can trust her loads! Love her hair and eyes and just her she is so skinny it's unfair! Love her to pieces! THURSDAY THURSDAY THURSDAY!! YAYAYAYAYYAYA XOXO
Liked by: alex

Opinions on sam

Sam, well, I don't know, haven't really got to know each other, he seams alright except for a few things in the past but yeah seams nice when you properly know him and quite good looking?


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