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If you had the chance to dine with 8 famous people,who would you choose?

-elrasool 3aleeh elslam :"( <33333
-King Faisal allah yr7mah
-Fahad elbtairy =)) <3
3ad elbagy korean celebs :p

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Give me five things hate in yourself and want to change o:) ?

Omar Naqi
- mwaswisa XD kel 5 dgayig ashoof el meraya =))
- tna7ty
- asalik b,shakil f'9ee3 =))
- noomy thgeel x_x y3ny mumkin asoolf m3ak o ana nayma =)) o etha gmt must7eel at4kr =))
four things are enough :P

والله الرقم اللي انتي رازتوه على فنيلتسس رهيب بس لو انتي عاكستوه يصير ارهب

حفصه بنت ابوي
يابعد تسبد لا والله عاجبني الرقم =))

shkrn <3 mn jd ya 7'6y *hug* .. allah y7f'6ha <3

Ameen , o allah y9brha 3la 4al 3elal elee 3ndna :) </3


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