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Okay then, that's your fault.. Not mine! See? I'm smarter than you. I found out who you are. ;-)

Ee x_x , sha6oorah =)) , I'm sorry about the misunderstanding =)) lol

enty w tafkeerik el3'ala6! I wasn't talking about your display picture a9lan.. Don't you remember that I call you "cutie #2"?

Lol XD , abad ma 6a7 wjhy tra =)) , la wallah ma athkr =))

Cutie #2, is that you? :-p

Lol =)) ya kthbbkkk kethbaaah =)) mu mebayin shay -.- , and yes that's me :p

Hello my lovely following list. how are you guys w7shnii wjodkm bl ale page <///3. So, the question for you guys is. What was one of the your fun or worse memories you have been in trouble with it in your childhood ? like something funny was make you laughing loudly or make you crying </3

Los Angeles - Summer 2012
Lol =)) , when I was a kid , =)) I got a new haircut XD it was so short :| , so I was acting dramatically x_x , afffllmmmt 3la ahaly =)), knt a9ee7 o agoolhum tl3boon 3lay ana walad mu bnt =)), o 8ararrt en esmi Nawaf XD , o lil7een etha sm3t nawwaf altfft =)) 3la asas enah esmi =))

لو كنتي رايحه رحله حول العالم في باخرة وخيروك تأخذين (( 3 )) اشخاص معك من بتاخذين ..؟ ;)‏

Mdry , bshoof mn wdah ysafr o ba54ah m3i :p

is that the name !!??! ... LOL Never mind , shkLk t3rfeen 4oogy :p

Laa2 :o agoolik el o'3neyah korean =)) , eeh gaylah lik mheeb 3ajbtik :p

if you need any help come ask me i'll be happy to help?

I have a serious problem :( , etha jeet a76 el mascara t6b3 foog :(, o ag3ddd amsss7 o 7alah :( , 3ndik 7al =D ?


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