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1. You have the choice to live with a gorilla who knows sign language or a cat who sings lullabies, which do you choose? 2. If you could only eat 3 foods a day what would they be? xx

omgitsmh4n4’s Profile Photohanna.
okay, 1. i'll choose the cat cause i love cats! mewr :3
2. rice! umm..water? xD aaaand viands :P xx

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If you could influence people like a celebrity does, how would you use it for the benefit of the planet?

plant more trees and save the earth, man! lol

Describe the person u like (para) x

hmmmm. well hes a bit awkward, i guess xD since i haven't seen him in a long time, i don't really know what happened to him. :O he's smart (very!) and he wears glasses x"") hes tall. *Q* (i actually miss him a lot :/)
he has fair skin too! i don't know if he still has, though lol. he wears braces and he treats me like i'm his baby sister or something -_____- i really miss him a lot :/
well that's it then, i guess xD

If you could have anything you want for dinner tonight, what would you have?

hmmmmm...im actually full so...maybe a warm glass of milk? :) x

What are you wearing right now? 

clothes lol ;) x
a white New York City shirt and 3rd year/grade 9 jersey shorts :)
(and of course, undies xD)


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