
Shannon White

Ask @Niallerstolemyheartxox

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I know a Shannon in real life, but ended up asking you the question, you are a random stranger that doesn't even live in the same country

ahh okay, nice to know bud

It was coincidence really I was actually going to ask shannon that I know a question but I ended up here

what? i dont get it aha

This is just a random guy that decided to ask you a question cuz he was bored and his friends were being annoying.

right okay, because thats what you do when your bored

Hey like 40 of my answers and I'll like 50 back! Sending this to everyone I follow, so follow me back? ;3 <3

bye bby

Cheeky boys, cheeky girls, Cheeky girls, cheeky boys...come and smile, don't be shy, touch my bum, this is life...ooooo..we are the cheeky girls, we are the cheeky girls, you are the cheeky boys, you are the cheeky boys..cheeky cheeky

ChloeMacgregor’s Profile PhotoChloe Macgregor
omfgg ahaha sick song mate, go on you cheeky girl
Liked by: Chloe Macgregor


Language: English