
Shannon White

Ask @Niallerstolemyheartxox

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aw ok, invite more ppl yh cuz we have loads of mates ofc

Oh yh ofc like we are so popular innit, gr8 house party

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Get out of my house like now pls ok fanks

Soz baby can't really do that..having to much fun wiv ya:'(

If you were stranded on a tropical island what 2 things would you want with you?

My Bed and a friend

Going out with you, and then dumping you.. Abit harsh, he used you to get back at someone else:-/

Well you know life goes on, nothing I can do about it:)

Opinion on matt warner?

Nice lad, really nice to talk to and always there, but don't talk as much anymore..

If you had to choose a type of color that you thought represented yourself, which would it be?



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