
Nichole emmons

Ask @Nichole0588

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something you wanan say to Shawn?

over the years he gave me the greatest memories, memories me && him will never forget.&& he seriously broke my heart. but you know? you can't hold on to the person forever, just the memories you can hold on to forever. we are completely different from each each other. no matter what he will always have a place in my heart he was my first love && my actual first heartbreak. true love is where you're happy for that person no matter what. even if I'm not the reason he's happy I'm glad someone is. he's such a great guy he deserve someone he really loves && can make him happy. if he's happy I'm happy. I'm not gonna sit around && be sad over him anymore. I'm almost 16 I will come across plenty people && one that actually deserves me. me && Shawn are officially done, done for good I'm not doing it anymore. I'll always be here for him if he needs to talk or anything! no I'm not cutting him out of my life at all we are friends && that is totally fine with me. I'm not gonna lie I will always love him && care for him. But it's time to be happy again && find someone that makes me happy (:

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