

Ask @NisaSabrinaaa

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plus, it's their lives, THEIR choices. you dont agree with the use of drugs and teenagers going clubbing, fair enough. we're all entitled to our own views. those teenagers who do drugs and go clubbing are also entitled to theirs. as long as they're not hurting anyone, they shouldn't be "stopped"

they are hurting their parents that i know for sure...which parent would be happy to see their kids drunk & addicted to drugs you tell me?..there is no way you could stop these teenagers there are majority of them im not advocating to stop them i just dont want to be involved with their "business" but if they are my friend they are still my friend i have no hate on them its just my opinion on this matter

just bc a bunch of teenagers do drugs and alcohol, that doesnt make them bad people. the way you talk about them, it makes it seem like you perceive them as "bad people" when they aren't; they could be 10x smarter than you and be way more responsible

well thats your opinion..and yes it does not make them bad people but doing drugs itself makes them irresponsible of their life ((alcohol in this case i consider more tolerable)) why would you put such harmful substances in your body and waste their/their parents money on it....does that make them a responsible person? you own your opinion and i own mine arguing with me wont change my opinion & im not looking forward to change theirs & yours either

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in my opinion love is not materialistic to me flowers are very cliche REAL gratitude is proving that you love someone flowers dont prove anything actually anything that involves money does not prove love...tbh....him spending his time on you is already a great gratitude....well thats me i see relationships as a whole different concept than most girls...so yeah you might disagree

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thank you for tolerating me there are days i wish i could leave myself and i would just walk out but i couldnt lol but you're still beside me no matter how much of a nuisance i could be

pelik btl . thankyou yg bagi pendapat secara jelas . yg pergi hurai blik benda senang tak senang tu, dh knp? ak pun tahu takda benda senang . tpi cuba fikir bm dgn math mna lagi senang? mestila bm kan? maknanya ad benda yg susah sikit, senang sikit . bukan segala benda susah . pls faham soalan ok

kau ni marah siapa sebenarnya HAHAHAHA

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clubbing & drugs....i only just graduate high school but the amount of people i have seen doing it boils my blood....no words to explain how disappointed i am

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haruki murakami norwegian wood its a book that makes you feel everything & nothing at the same time its a good book

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hmmm this is a tough one some people dont seem to care to seek for the truth so it means its not "a way of life" then i guess its more of season of life

eat almond. you will get clear skin - Im a man

i have my major exam in a month i stress eat alot which i feel cause my skin to break out too often ill try your suggestion once my stress eating phase a.k.a exam ends 😅 thank you!!

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politics stuff, psychological/psychology/criminology & probably how to have clear skin HAHAHAH

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i used to be very open & i could open up to everyone and anyone but they "bit" me lol totally made me see things differently now i trust no one & kind of became introverted & im glad im not so open with sharing my problems anymore

stop trying hard to ppl who don't want u *saje nak test shoutout*

ok.....thanks for the advice? but im sure im not trying to please anyone at this moment however i would love to shut them off instead

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my form 4 so i could study harder & block all distraction

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im an agnostic when it comes to love but i do think you can fall in love with someone younger age does not matter i guess


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