

Ask @NisaSabrinaaa

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I ingat ur bff izzah

izzah is my bff too! why cant i have more than 1 bff hahaah theres nothing wrong with that :)

u have a weird voice

i find it weird too!! especially when i record it probably because its sounds different in my head and different to others 😂

do u still like thai people or do u know like sehun again

I STILL WATCH THAI LIKE EVERYDAY but i dont want to mention/post it cs....ppl in sch...they're annoying hahaahaha

ur mom is fairer than u why u not as fair kak nisa

i was a huge fan of water as a baby i swim like 2-3 hours a day and i have no regrets 😝😂

did u join the fandom again because all ur friend are in

im not back in the fandom lol exoluxion's my last concert thats why i went for tix sale and all last experience

Nisa what's ur favorite make up brand.

im using shu uemura foundation and it works like magic I LOVE IT ((but it cost rm170 wtf)) so im probably going to purchase nyx foundation soon plus i use nyx lipstick too so yea i would say nyx! ((SORRY SHU UEMURA YOU PRICEY))

Nisa, i really dont know how to overcome..my depression, i try to be busy with school stuffs and everything but still end up feeling like shit at night😞😞😞😞😞

hey............we all do... sometimes i cry myself to sleep at night too we're human we're not robots its okay to feel like shit but let it go!!! yes crying is the best solution cry about it cry all you want BUT cry it out with the tears all the things that stresses you out cry it all out let it leave in the form of your tears aite!
Liked by: Danial Uzair

nisa after you left the fandom you really changed a lot, you now put make up dress more nicely and etc;~; you're much prettier and mature now! and i see you hang with your family/friends a lot too and it inspire me to do the same^^ i want to follow your ways! wish me luck on leaving this kpop world

omg i hope i changed in a better way! hahahaha....it feels super great like incredibly great to go out and hang out with your friends talking about guys ((who actually knows you exist)) hahhaha making new friends too i finally feel like i live for myself but hey just a reminder there will be times where your friends are busy and your family are too....so when that happens to me its ok to go back to kpop catch up on some stuffs watch exo thats like my solace once in a while ((roughly only the weekends)) hahahaa so goodluck!!

Nisa, your reason why you joined bomba so funny. Takde stress i dok situ tadi. Btw, i'm the one yang tegur you after the bomba meeting tadi. I know you don't know me but.. it's okay.. :D

hellooo ofcourse i know you i pernah nampak you at sogo last year if tak silap!! hahahaa thank you i even took a pic with the pakcik bomba using puan akmal's phone hahaaha xD

Back then you're not so feminine as now, see you grown now makes me sad how old i am lol

hehehehee its okay i feel old too! ;(


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