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Latest answers from نورالعین

strangers being kind to you is one of the best things ever because you know that they gain nothing from it and they probably will never see you again but they just choose to be kind.

This is why the youth these days prefer meeting new people because they behave as they desire others to be around them.

If you were an animal, which one would you be and why?

Is it not more suitable to choose to be a ghost over an animal? So that you can live serenely while being unseen?

Why do boys think that smoking cigarettes is cool? It's a bad habit yet they are not ashamed of it?

Every time you ask them to quit smoking, they threaten to leave, but they just can't kick this habit. And then, they point fingers at you for not being loyal because you didn't support their habit.

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why is moving on so difficult? ☹️😔

Why ponder over something tha was never truly yours? The day you let go of those thoughts, moving on will be a piece of cake.

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