

Ask @NoreliaHafizah

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How can we communicate more effectively?

In effective communication, it should be two ways. You will not just talk, but you also have to listen. Listen, even it's not something that you like. Mostly people are good at telling other what they don't like, but are not at listening to it.

I once a young and dumb girl, I made stupid things. Now im insecure and worry bout my relationship. Should I tell my future husband bout my history? Bout my body or should I just stay silence. Keep the story for myself.

Repent and never repeat. Haram for us untuk bukak aib kita sendiri, Allah dah tolong tutupkan aib kita..kenapa kita nak bukak? Dia bersama diri awak yang sekarang, masa lepas awak dia takdak hak untuk pertikai.

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dh la aku huduh, muka makin breakout, takpandai, bodoh la senang cita, penyusah mak ayah, single, taklaku senang cita, org makin lawa, makin pandai fashion, aku ni ja mcm kentang dgn bodoh skligus, no wonder kena rejek. Lol. What a life. Hahahaha

Ranting macam tu without any effort to make yourself better is useless. Be a better child to your parent, help them with chores around the house..do better in school. Muka makin breakout? Been there..when the time comes, you have your own money, buy skincares that will improve you skin. Single? Well, the right guy will come at the right time. Why rush?

Share me about your daily job..... 🤗

So i work as a branch manager, everyday i will come at 8am to setup the outlet, double check the sales of the previous day, do the tracking and check for price change.
At 9am, we open the store for customers. Top up the stock on selling floor, received stock from warehouse, go for shop twice a day, and all other impromptu tasks.
Until 10pm we prepared for closing, clean up the selling floor, make sure that storeroom is clear and count the sales for the day. And finally send up the report to area manager.

Been waiting for her for 7 years. Yesterday she sent me her wedding invitation. I am such a loser

May He give you someone who loves you with all your heart. She will comes when the time is right ❣️

If you were someone who's receiving a handwritten letter from your loved one, what would you feel and how would you react to it?

I will be in so much loveddd...I'm a hopeless romantic, all those little things i treasure the most, those efforts.

Hi, boleh saya tahu macam mana nak transfer gambar ii dalam phone ke dalam mana ii medium yang lebih selamat selain transfer ke dalam komputer? Sebab saya takut gambar hilang atau phone rosak nanti. Nak cuci gambar, mahal sebab gambar beratus. Sayang sangat kalau hilang. Tolong saya.....

Google drive.

And now the day bleeds, into nightfall, and you're not here to get me through it all. I let my guard down, and then you pull the rug, i was kinda used to being someone you loved

I try to close my eyes when it hurts sometimes i fall into your arms till it save and it sound till you come back around.
Liked by: PauliMisiekPL

I wonder how you mayn sleep while someone numbing the pain you caused them dude :)

Well, some just don't care or some just don't know that they did hurt someone else.
Let the pain hurts till i can't hurt no more..that's when you're truly move on 🌹

Hey no matter how bad is the thing that you're going through today it will past and you will make through it. Be strong cus youre enough and youre loved dear stranger

Thank you for the kind words dear stranger 💕

What is your opinion when someone think or talk or tweet in mixed language, sekejap2 Eng sekejap2 malay, like is this ok for you?

I did? What's wrong with that? 🤔 i mean all those thing is a practice right?

If a husband has sex with his side-chick, no emotional involvement, just sex, because his wife refused to hav sex with him when he needs it many many times, is it acceptable? Elaborate.

In islam? No. Even if the wife already in nusyus because she deny her husband's right, still no.


Language: English