
Mac ohana

how are you doing? honestly.

Honestly? Struggling. A lot. Im in a motel right now, but after next Friday ill probably be sleeping outside. In the freaking cold. And I can't sleep because of it. Honestly, it would be a lot easier to die.

Latest answers from Mac ohana

What do you think has changed the most about you from freshman year in high school and now? And did you go all dyke or am I tripping?

Jeez. I don't know honestly about the change thing. Probably that I can handle more distressing situations better myself. (Not saying I do it great! Just better than Freshman year!) I'm not a lesbian, I'm transgender. I'm assuming you're on my facebook, so you'll see I go by "Mac" and not "Maggie." I also use he/him pronouns (I like to be referred to as he/him)

What’s the best way to learn a new language?

Keep throwing tortilla chips at a Mexican and keep asking them to teach you Spanish until they do.

Language: English