
Mac ohana

What do you think has changed the most about you from freshman year in high school and now? And did you go all dyke or am I tripping?

Jeez. I don't know honestly about the change thing. Probably that I can handle more distressing situations better myself. (Not saying I do it great! Just better than Freshman year!) I'm not a lesbian, I'm transgender. I'm assuming you're on my facebook, so you'll see I go by "Mac" and not "Maggie." I also use he/him pronouns (I like to be referred to as he/him)

Latest answers from Mac ohana

how are you doing? honestly.

Honestly? Struggling. A lot. Im in a motel right now, but after next Friday ill probably be sleeping outside. In the freaking cold. And I can't sleep because of it. Honestly, it would be a lot easier to die.

What’s the best way to learn a new language?

Keep throwing tortilla chips at a Mexican and keep asking them to teach you Spanish until they do.

Language: English