
Omar Saied Nassar

Ask @OmarSaiedNassar

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hint ..ummm.. hint .hinnnttt..! close your eyes , take a deep breath .put your right hand on your chest where your heart exist ..then ,i will be the first person comes to your mind :)

la wallahy howa dah wl hint ana grabt la2et fe kteeeeeer.. :D :P

الازرق بيلبقلك :P

mana fhemt bs b3d ma gawebt bs mal7e2tesh 2a2ol...
thanks :)
ha we b3den 2olt give me hint

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ummm.. if you really dont know who i am ,then there is no need to tell you anything .it means i was right when i said that you wont exchange this feeling with me

How i wont exchange wana m3rfsh men byklmny 3momn as u like if that what u feel.. But really i want to know walla kbrya2ek maysma7sh to tell me who r u?
Bs bgd i want to know we brdo as u like

msh al8az ya bashmohands, i just don't think that you will exchange this feeling with me .so no need to embarrass myself

Men 2al kda?!!

why do you wanna know who m i ?

Msh ba7b el al3'az ana we b3den lazm a3rf alb men elly only mine 3shan a7afez 3aleh


Language: English