

Ask @Oreoyeebuddy

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What is are the best pizza toppings?

spinach, Mozzarella cheese, cheese, prawn sea food/ or meat bacon and that green stuff

What's your wish on a four-leaf clover?

to be surrounded by good people and have summer parties if ya noe what im sayin
Liked by: Ƴιηg

Tell the story of meeting a friend of yours for the first time?

we cried becuz we were so beautiful to each others eyes, jks we were just small,
Liked by: Ƴιηg

what to you wear to college

I wear uniform because our college requires us to ,too expensive, but on Fridays we have non-uniform

You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?

most things that is affecting my life right this moment. #quitting #college


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