

Ask @Pachecoairelle

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I. Love. Her.
She makes me laugh.
Shes always been there for me.
She makes me happy.
She deserves the best of thee best.!
She always cheers me up.
Shes like my other half.
Itzel is like my other sister. I dont know what f do without her. She my best friend. And I've known her almost 8 years now.


Pfsh i hated the bitch.
But now i love her.! Today we hung out and shes so funny.! LMAO.! I love that bitchh
Me and her weren't friends last year .. But this year we've gotten pretty close ily boo boo.! We needa hang out again.

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Jacob b

Jacob bradford .. Were the hell do i begin .?
Jacob was my first kiss ..
My first hug ..
My first boyfriend ..
My first puppy love ..
I will * always * have feelings for him. But that doesn't mean i want to be with him. No i wanna just be friends. Because i already know what will happy. And he seems really happy with Arielle and im happy for him, he really deserves it. But he has such pretty eyes.!!!!! OMG.! I love his eyes.! And he's reallllllllly tall like woah.!
But I hope we end up friends. :)


Shes new this year, and me and her have gotten pretty close. And shes so pretty.!!!! AND HAS A BIG BOOTIE.! I hope she finds a guy who treats her right and cares about her. I love you babyy :)
Liked by: Veronica Allyson

Alexis Beyer I mean INo she don't go to your school but thoughts on her

Shes my sister. And I love her. We have so many inside jokes. We have so many memories. She makes me laugh 24/7. I dont think there's been a day i haven't laughed being around her. Shes funny, smart, and drop dead gorgeous and any guy is lucky to have her.
Liked by: Veronica Allyson

Allyson .

Shes my #1 best friends. I mean sister. I love her to death. Shes always been there for me no matter what .. And honestly i dont know where I'd be if i didn't have her in my life. And shes the most beautofulest girls in the world.!

Emilio R

I LOVE HIM.! And his eyes are really pretty and me and him text.! :)) and hes SO. CUTE.
And he's like gona grow up and play pro baseball and ima be there for all his games cheering for him.
Liked by: Veronica Alejandra

Is the Jose and Dayton rumor true ?

HAHA SIKEE.! They were kidding around in music class saying "oo airelle its gona happen, blah blah"
But honestly no it's didnt.
Im. Not. That. Big. Of. A. Whore. -___-
Liked by: Veronica Alejandra


Language: English