
Paige Henley

Ask @PaigeHenley

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Just take it on the chin and ignore them:) its Izzy btw just realised it was anon-.-xx

Yeah will do, aw thank you Izzy lovely:pp xxx

Oh god! They need to get a life and stop getting boner over they're friends relationships

ahhh weeeeeeell nothing I can do really! Never even met them, they've always just never seemed to like me hahah:p

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I don't know if those people asking you horrible questions are being serious, but if they are.. Please don't take it to heart! They're spineless twats with nothing else to do.you're a beautiful person inside and out.

They're my ex's friends no doubt, they don't really like me, as you can see ahhah
thank you though xxx


I'm not exposing his new relationship to be (poss) on here, sure he'd appreciate some form of privacy

actually would bad health bad skin

remind me never to eat bad food again, my skin must be clear, just for you x

I'm better than the below guys, can you send me some nudes and for whatever reason a picture of Mathews Willy? Apparently it's sought after!

Yeah sure! You deserve it, unlike the other guy:-)

i feel sorry for you when we go to Mcdonalds! Your gonna have even more spots

cos going to McDonald's will have such a dramatic affect on my skin. I best not go


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