
Parul Mundra

Ask @Parulmundra

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Parul, you are a very pretty girl. I really admire you. I admire your smile, your personality, your eyes, in short everything about you. For me you are partners goal. if I am having a bad day all it takes to make me feel better is to see a smiling pic of yours. I have fallen for you Parul..:)

Really sweet of you to say this .. But who is it? So I can thank you ?

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You are on a train. Inside the train is a bee. It is flying against the window trying to get out. Do you? 1. Ignore the bee 2. Kill the bee 3.Torture the bee 4. Free the bee

Free the bee

What is the meaning of your name ?

Parul is a five- petaled flower known for its beauty.
In Hindi, Parul is used to describe the flow of water. That's why it's often also confused with being translated to Graceful.Presumably because the flow of water would appear to be quite graceful.That's a very apt examples of the Beauty being in the eye of the beholder.
Liked by: Vatsal Sanghvi


Language: English