
Michael Fitz-Gibbon

Why did you criticize Funimation for giving the voice actors multiple roles in the DBZ/Kai dubs when the Japanese version did the same thing? Masako Nozawa played every incarnation of Goku in addition to his sons and father

Eh... yeah, that's a tad hypocritical, I guess, but with Goku and his family, there's kind of a running theme going that allows them to be voiced by the same person. Personally, though, I'd have preferred if Bardock sounded like Raditz, since he was much more like him. Hey, maybe if they ever animate Gine, she'll sound like Shigeru Chiba. Wouldn't that be something? But fortunately, Sabat's Vegeta and Piccolo are distinct enough now for it not to bother me anymore.

Latest answers from Michael Fitz-Gibbon

are you saving up for anything?

A new laptop. Honestly, I have enough already, I just don't want to pull the trigger right now for some reason. I really should. I should just buy it. I'm only hesitating because I just got a new battery for my current one a few months back.

What is your review of "ENDLESS SUMMER NIGHTS" by Richard Marx ?

I'm more of a "The Boys Of Summer" by Don Henley person.

How do you behave yourself with people you don't like?

That's my secret, Anon. I don't like anyone.

Language: English