
Masam Khan

Ask @Photographer_Unknown

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is it important for a girl to see or think if she is upto a guy's standard before going in a relationship or before marrying him

For a relationship: its very sad to see that people don't like each other but only love each other. when love someone you ignore their faults and that were things go wrong. its very essential to like a person first then to love them. when you like them, you like them for the good things they have and accept the bad things and help them get those bad things better. but if you ignore the bad things about a person, that is the main reason for all the fights and all the things that used to look sweet becomes taunts.
for a girl or a guy its important to stay on their own standard rather then going for the other person's standard. new degrade yourself for the person because you love them.
in marriage a girl has to meet the standards on so many different levels. parents' standard, siblings' standards, relatives' standards, far off relatives' standard and to the standards of all those people that matter to the family. marriage is not easy, its commitment, its sacrifice, its pain, its anger, its putting the others before yourself. at times you have to kill your standards just to see the other side happy.
I don't know if I made sense or not but this is what I really think.

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I don't know the password to that Skype account so that why won't work to be able to change it I need to find out what email address is being used with that account

have you tried the forgot my password option??

Is there any way to find out what email address is linked to a skpye account because there a account and I need to find out what email address it has been made by

yes, there is. open Skype's website and log in from the Skype I.d. then scroll down and click on account settings, there you will see primary email, location, phone number and everything. you can change or view your e-mail address there.
Liked by: Nukhba Majid

follow @desireec26 lyk her ans n ask her ques. dng this fr all famous peepz in mumbai wen ur done tell me il gve u 20 lyks n a follow

but I am not from Mumbai or even India, never saw the face of India, never been there. famous people on ask.fm don't have a real life. you should get a real life to and stop wasting your time on such useless promotions. thank you!


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