@Plsko_Viktor#17 🇸🇰


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Nenapadlo ta ze toto je zamer krajin , ktore tu robia kseft ? Staci si pozriet , ktore tu maju predajne a vies ktore krajiny maju zaujem , aby to bolo tak ako je . Ludia spravia vela , ale musia vediet o co ide . Bohuzial je malo ludi co sa zaujimaju o problenatiku hlbsie .

tomasvitez’s Profile PhotoTomáš Vitéz
Nie. Naozaj ma nenapadlo že v krajine kde ludia pičujú na to keď je niečo v angličtine a tvária sa patriotisticko-nacionalisticky je niečo zámer a nie len prijebanosť.
Sme všetko len nie nadnárod a už vôbec nie schopný samostatnosti a pokial si to ludia tu neuvedomia nikdy tu nebude lepšie. Máte o sebe najväčšie predstavy pritom prídete do zahraničia a ste lost. Zapadnete medzi produktívnejšími a omnoho variabilnejšími luďmi.
O kultúrnom vyžití ani nehovorím. Kultúra je vizitka krajiny. Tento národ nie je schopný akceptovať žiadnu inú okrem folklóru a kvôli tomu skapínajú múzeá a podobne veci lebo ministerka sa rozhodla podporiť len folklór. Tak ma nepoučuj o tom čo je a čo nie je Slovensko.
Miestnosť plná umenia je pre vás len miestnosť.
A som rád že sa o túto problematiku nezaujíma vela ludí. 90% z nich sa zaujíma na fb a keď čítam tie kokotiny bol by som najradšej keby je aj volebné právo viazané na IQ test nie ešte aby takí "povolaní odborníci" išli vymýšlať stratégie ako oživiť Slovensko.
K tejto téme sa viac nevyjadrujem.

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+1 answer in: “Čo ekonomicky pomôže Slovensku ? Zaujíma ma Váš názor .”

Čo ekonomicky pomôže Slovensku ? Zaujíma ma Váš názor .

tomasvitez’s Profile PhotoTomáš Vitéz
Slovensku nič pokial tu budú žiť slováci. Vždy som vravel že nenávidim Slovensko ale potom som si uvedomil že tento kus zeme nemôže za to že tu žijeme my prijebanci.
Miesto naštartovania ekonomiky sa riešia zatvorené obchody v nedelu kvôli skurveným kresťanským potkanom čo im je lúto že v nedelu chodí málo ludí do kostola (áno to bola pôvodna myšlienka to že sa toho chytili predavačky je už len bonus).
tak čo mám iné už k tomuto povedať. Podnikatelia chceli nižšie odvody miesto nich im vezmú povinnosť nedelných prįplatkov pre zamestnanca a tým ich zvýšia.... Táto krajina je v kokote. A ekonomiku bez vlády čo to podporí naštartuješ ťažko.
V samotnej krajine je pokokot prachov ale nevracajú sa štátu lebo sú buď špinavé alebo je to zahraničný income. A či sa tým luďom čudujem že majú štát v piči ? Nie. Ani trochu.

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I am web developer and designer by my self have knowledge of Python and javascript but appreciate for your honest response it was just a thought to build something absolutely free for others. any ways I have my good business where I get decent money.

Good for u then. Anyway. If u want to throw money into the air and keep pourin them more and more for caring about website with no cashback then u r crazy but okay go for it.
In other case current statement of the market in my country is really simple:
- Young fresh and inteligent customers can get pussy or dick by themselves without any dating website
- older lonely customers doesnt give a shit about new dating website and prolly not trust it unless there is not looooot of influencing and manipulating through ads which mean more and more money ofc.
So technically and practically its not worth in case of cashback noir in case of place u choose for your customers.
Last but not least. If u want it for Slovakia and not going to make it in mother language u dont even need to start. Ppl here are literally offended by other languages. This market is dead. If u wanna do something like that think globaly.

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+2 answers in: “Thinking of creating my own dating website what you think??”

but when people join for free it's a win win situation cuz so far all sites are paid

I m just sarcastic piece of shit but i ll answer u now fr.
All dating websites or apps are not for fee (payed) at all.
Not here in Slovakia.
Second big deal is if u have no idea how to make websites by yourself / reserve your domain on google to be in first places with your link / u dont know how to make safe account system for others with not problematic GDPR to your customer etc. U will most likely never ever get back cash u gonna invest into it IF u wanna make it free w/o ads too.
Normal price for web like u want is over 3k € + time revenue. And we not even talk about company we talk about self emplyed random guy with good or average portfolio and experiences.
Lastly u need server where will be saved photos without your avaliability to see them so basically the third party server and u need to pay rent to that 3rd side who will give u premission to use their server.
Don't even think about under 8k € if u want long term functioning thing. U want app too ? Fine. Save another 5k + if it should be good app with all GDPR + automatic enabling visible locations of your customers.
I was on graphic + web design + photo & film school so its not random guy talk. My friend did one website and go for two weeks in Dubai. If u have lot of money then yeah sure go and have fun otherwise its pointless. If u dont want to be scammed with some lagging bullshit and on top of that have problem with law bcs u r provider. Nobody on lawcourt care who built the app itself. Then u need to invest a lot.
U know whats fun too ? We still didnt count advertisement with social growth + reach to people and we already passed 10-15k roughly.

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+2 answers in: “Thinking of creating my own dating website what you think??”


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