

Ask @Psyckopunk

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Nicknames u have?

Psykopunk , Punky ,Punkos ,Appolo at leat i had now i dont have friends irl like litteraly 0 so its all part from the past.

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Who was your favourite DBZ character?

C17 probably that was one of the best characters in my humble opinion , whe was stoic and immovable as a rock , but behind that façade you could see he retained soem of his humanity depise being a cyborg.
He became a forest ranger to protect animals in Tournament of Power that's pretty cool.

warum nutzt du kein internet um jemanden kennenzulernen?

People on the internet mostly will deceive and disappoint you on the end , yeah there's alway's that little exception wich is pretty rare but from wath i experienced it's not worth it.

Welches Foto hebt deine Laune, wenn du es dir ansiehst?

J'étais jeune insouciant avec ce sentiment que le monde n'attendais que je le découvre pour en profiter de touts les instants.
Welches Foto hebt deine Laune wenn du es dir ansiehst

Katze oder Hund?

Both cats and dogs have they're advantages and incovenients but they are trusty and loving pets .

Si tu pouvais choisir une couleur d'yeux, laquelle choisirais-tu?

Noir comme la noirceur de mon âme.
Wath a fucking edgelord ahah.

Was schätzt du an den Menschen am meisten?

Not really anything, the beauty in the destruction it provides in this world maybe.

In welchem Land wäre es am schönsten, seinen Lebensabend zu verbringen?

Un pays qui est pas trop chère vu le niveau des retraites aujourd'hui .

Warum hast du da 👇so große Augen ? 😳😳

Parce que je sais pas c'est en essayant de regarder l'objectif je suppose.


Language: English