
Raj Patel

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Define a perfect girlfriend !

You won’t find a girl who’s perfect; to those people I would like to ask define “perfect”. For me a perfect girlfriend would be, someone who likes soccer as much as she likes to watch daily soaps filled with drama, will play games with me on Saturday nights on Xbox, loves to watch action movies as much as she loves to watch romantic movies,doesn'tget offended by my sexist or racistjokes and knows that I don’t mean any of them and I won’t ever hurt anyone’s feeling, brutally honest about her opinions and not afraid to say what’s on her mind without thinking twice. I don’t care how a person looks. Looks can be misleading sometimes, scratch that not sometimes majority of the times. A person who looks beautiful from outside andisn'tbeautiful from the inside is ugly as fuck to me. If shedoesn'tknow cooking no problem even I don’t know cooking what’s the bigdeal, we will learn cooking together. If she’s not interested I will learn how to cook as am interested. Usually we boys give the excuse that we don’t know how to cook because we were busy with our studies. Why the same reason can’t be applied to girls. Come on! Even they were busy in securing their future. If you demand for a girl who can cook and well educated and looks pretty I think you should be put in a jail and left to rot for the rest of your pathetic life. When you yourself don’t know shit, you don’t have the right to demand anything from the other person. What do most of us guys have? Looks? Come on guys lets agree on one thing we are going bald, by the time we are in our mid twenties we look like we are in our forties! And guys who are in early twenties have already started losing their hair! So looks naaaah! Qualifications? Yeah majority of the guys lack that. They may have hardly completed b.com and they are looking for a girl with a degree in engineering. I have two words for ya nigga! Delusional dumbass. Don’t find a girl so that you can show her off as a trophy to the rest of the world saying look I landed a girl out of my league with the help of my mother or sheer dumb luck (and that girl’s bad luck). Find a girl who makes you feel happy when you wake up every morning, whom you miss so much the entire day that when you see her at the end of the day you feel something in the pit of your stomach that is not explainable through words. With whom you see yourself growing old. This is the definition of a perfect girlfriend to me :)

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Is it okay for a married man to stare other women?

Well, a diabetic must not eat sweets but its totally okay too look at the sweets provided you control your appetite.
Special Note: Make sure the doctor is not around while this is done for good health.


Language: English