
Raja Ratan

Ask @RajaRatan

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Romantic moment of life ?

When you find her being the most prettiest thing on earth when she just wakes up and denies it

Are you a good listener or speaker?

I speak when I have a person who listens, I listen to everyone who speaks to me

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why do mostly people afraid of falling in love ?💯

Why are most people afraid?
Because unless you fear losing someone,it isn't really love. Love's all about fear

What is your height? How tall should the one for you be?

5'9" ish , and she's perfect the way she is♥️

How polite are you??

Unless I'm disturbed while asleep, I'm the most polite and kind person you'll meet

What do you think about sea cruises? Who would like this trip?

I would love it, even though I don't swim😂

What’s something terrifying that we’ve all come to accept as a fact of life?

The only people who care are the ones who put in efforts.

You never feel lonely?

When are we not.
How can we not be , when nobody is together, everyone is just giving you company for ease in their own journey

What impresses you most of all?

A person who knows how to joke but not make a joke out of someone. Understands feelings

when it was ur birthday did you get to pick a special dinner? what did you usually pick?

Mom used to make something I liked or we went to Nanking

if you had to be famous for one specific thing, what would you choose and why? can be things you dont have/do (yet)



Language: English